quinta-feira, 24 de julho de 2014

Bibliografia Junguiana


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GOMBRICH, E. H. Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation. Phaidon Press.

GORRESIO, Zilda Marengo Pianceti. Pressupostos Míticos de C. G. Jung: Leitura do Destino: Moira. Annablume.

GOUVÊA, Álvaro de Pinheiro. Sol da Terra: O Uso do Barro em Psicoterapia. Summus.

GOUVÊA, Álvaro de Pinheiro. A Tridimensionalidade da Relação Analítica. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2005.

GRANT, W. Harold; THOMPSON, Magdala; CLARKE, Thomas E. From Image to Likeness: A Jungian Path in the Gospel Journey. Paulist Press.

GRAY, Frances. Jung, Irigaray, Individuation: Philosophy, Analytical Psychology and the Question of the Feminine. Routledge.

GREENE, Liz. Jung, o Astrólogo: Um Estudo Histórico Sobre os Escritos de Astrologia na Obra de Carl G. Jung. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2023.

GREENE, Liz; SHARMAN-BURKE, Juliet. Uma Viagem Através dos Mitos: Significado dos Mitos Como um Guia Para Vida. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2001.

GREENE, Liz; SHARMAN-BURKE, Juliet. The Mythic Journey: The Meaning of Myth as a Guide for Life. Fireside.

GRINBERG, Luiz Paulo. Jung: O Homem Criativo. FTD.

GRINNELL, Robert. Alchemy in a Modern Woman. Spring.

GUGGENBÜLL-CRAIG, Adolf. O Abuso do Poder na Psicoterapia e na Medicina, Serviço Social, Sacerdócio e Magistério. São Paulo: Paulus, 2015.

GUGGENBÜLL-CRAIG, Adolf. Power in the Helping Professions. Spring.

GUGGENBÜLL-CRAIG, Adolf. O Casamento Está Morto, Viva o Casamento. São Paulo: Símbolo, 1980.

GUGGENBÜLL-CRAIG, Adolf. Emptied Soul: On the Nature of the Psycopath. Spring.

GUGGENBÜLL-CRAIG, Adolf. Eros de Muletas: Reflexões Sobre Amoralidade e Psicopatia. Curitiba: Corsária, 1998.

GUGGENBÜLL-CRAIG, Adolf. Eros on Crutches: Reflections on Amorality and Psychopathy. Spring.

GUGGENBÜLL-CRAIG, Adolf. From the Wrong Side: A Paradoxical Approach to Psychology. Spring.

GUGGENBÜLL-CRAIG, Adolf. Marriage is Dead: Long Live Marriage!: Psychological Reflections on an Archetypal Institution. Spring.

GUGGENBÜLL-CRAIG, Adolf. Old Fool and the Corruption of Myth. Spring.

GUIMARÃES, Carlos Antonio Fragoso. Carl Gustav Jung e os Fenômenos Psíquicos. Madras.

GUIMARÃES, Carlos Antonio Fragoso. Carl Gustav Jung e os Fenômenos Psíquicos. São Paulo: Editora do Conhecimento, 2020.


HALL, Calvin S.; NORDBY, Vernom J. Introdução à Psicologia Junguiana. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2014.

HALL, Calvin S.; NORDBY, Vernom J. A Primer of Jungian Psychology. Plume.

HALL, James A. Clinical Uses of Dreams: Jungian Interpretations and Enactments. Psychological Corp.

HALL, James A. Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art. Westview Press.

HALL, James A. A Experiência Junguiana: Análise e Individuação. Cultrix.

HALL, James A. Hypnosis: A Jungian Perspective. The Guilford Press.

HALL, James A. Jung e a Interpretação dos Sonhos. Cultrix.

HALL, James A. Junguian Dream Interpretation: A Handbook of Theory and Practice. Inner City Books.

HALL, James A. The Jungian Experience: Analysis and Individuation. Inner City Books.

HALL, James A. Patterns of Dreaming: Jungian Techniques in Theory and Practice. Shambhala.

HALL, James A. Sonhos: Símbolos Religiosos do Inconsciente. Loyola.

HALL, James A. The Unconscious Christian: Images of God in Dreams. Paulist Press.

HALL, Manly P. Buddhism and Psychotherapy: The Healing of Heart Doctrine. The Philosophical Research Society.

HALL, Manly P. Meditation Symbols in Eastern and Western Mysticism: Mysteries of the Mandala. The Philosophical Research Society.

HALL, Nor. The Moon and the Virgin: Reflections of the Archetypal Feminine. The Women's Press Ltd.

HANNAH, Barbara. The Animus: The Spirit of Inner Truth in Women Vol. 1. Chiron Publications.

HANNAH, Barbara. The Animus: The Spirit of Inner Truth in Women Vol. 2. Chiron Publications.

HANNAH, Barbara. The Archetypal Symbolism of Animals. Chiron Publications.

HANNAH, Barbara. Encounters with the Soul: Active Imagination as Developed by C. G. Jung. Chiron Publications.

HANNAH, Barbara. The Inner Journey: Lectures and Essays on Jungian Psychology. Inner City Books.

HANNAH, Barbara. Jung, His life and Work: A Biographical Memoir. Shambhala.

HANNAH, Barbara. Jung: Vida e Obra: Uma memória biográfica por Barbara Hannah. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2022.

HANNAH, Barbara. Striving Towards Wholeness. Chiron Publications.

HANNAH, Barbara; VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Lectures on Jung's Aion. Chiron Publications.

HARDING, Mary Esther. The I and the Not I. Princeton University Press.

HARDING, Mary Esther. Journey into Self. Sigo Press.

HARDING, Mary Esther. Os Mistérios da Mulher. Paulus.

HARDING, Mary Esther. The Parental Image: Its Injury and Reconstruction. Inner City Books.

HARDING, Mary Esther. Psychic Energy: Its Source and Goal. Literary Licensing.

HARDING, Mary Esther. Psychic Energy: Its Source and Its Transformation. Princeton University Press.

HARDING, Mary Esther. The Value and Meaning of Depression. Analytical Psychology Club of New York.

HARDING, Mary Esther. The Way of All Women: A Psychological Interpretation. Harper & Row.

HARDING, Mary Esther. Women's Mysteries: Ancient and Modern. Shambhala.

HARDY, Jean. A Psychology with a Soul: Psychosynthesis in Evolutionary Context. Penguin Books.

HARK, Helmut (Org.). Léxico dos Conceitos Junguianos Fundamentais a Partir dos Originais de C. G. Jung. São Paulo: Loyola, 2000.

HARRIS, Judith Parker. Jung and Yoga: The Psyche-Body Connection. Inner City Books.

HARRIS, Judith Parker. Jung e o Ioga: A Ligação Corpo-Mente. São Paulo: Claridade, 2005.

HARRIS, Judith; WOOLFSON, Tony (Eds.). The Quotable Jung. Princeton University Press.

HARRIS. William V. Dreams and Experience in Classical Antiquity. Harvard University Press.

HARTMANN, Ernest. The Nightmare: The Psychology and Biology of Terrifying Dreams. Basic Books.

HAULE, John Ryan. Divine Madness: Archetypes of Romantic Love. Fisher King Press.

HAUSER, Ana. A Linguagem Plástica do Inconsciente. Ática.

HAYNES, Jane (Ed.). When a Princess Dies: Reflections from Jungian Analysts. C. G. Jung Analytical Psychology Club.

HENDERSON, Joseph L. Cultural Attitudes in Psychological Perspective. Inner City Books.

HENDERSON, Joseph L. Shadow and Self: Selected Papers in Analytical Psychology. Chiron Publications.

HENDERSON, Joseph L. Thresholds of Initiation. Chiron Publications.

HENDERSON, Joseph L.; OAKES, Maud. The Wisdom of the Serpent: The Myths of Death, Rebirth and Resurrection. Princeton University Press.

HENDERSON, Joseph L.; SHERWOOD, Dyane N. Transformation of Psyche: The Symbolic Alchemy of the Splendor Solis. Routledge.

HERZOG, Edgar. Psyche and Death: Archaic Myths and Modern Dreams in Analytical Psychology. Hodder & Stoughton Ltd.

HILL, Gareth S. Masculine and Feminine: The Natural Flow of Opposite in the Psyche. Shambhala.

HILLEL, Rachel. The Redemption of the Feminine Erotic Soul. Nicolas-Hays.

HILLMAN, James. Alchemical Psychology. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. Anima: An Anatomy of a Personified Notion. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. Anima: Anatomia de uma Noção Personificada. Cultrix.

HILLMAN, James. Anima: A Psicologia Arquetípica do Lado Feminino da Alma no Homem e sua Interioridade na Mulher. São Paulo. Cultrix, 2020.

HILLMAN, James. Animal Presences. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. Psychology: A Brief Account. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. A Blue Fire. Harper Perennial.

HILLMAN, James. Uma Busca Interior em Psicologia e Religião. Paulus.

HILLMAN, James. Cidade e Alma. Studio Nobel.

HILLMAN, James. City and Soul. Spring.                                            

HILLMAN, James. O Código do Ser: Uma Busca do Caráter e da Vocação Pessoal. Objetiva.

HILLMAN, James. The Dream and the Underworld. William Morrow Paperbacks.

HILLMAN, James. Emotion: A Comprehensive Phenomenology of Theories and Their Meanings for Therapy. Northwestern University Press.

HILLMAN, James (Org.). Encarando os Deuses. Cultrix.

HILLMAN, James. Entre Vistas. Summus.

HILLMAN, James. Estudos de Psicologia Arquetípica. Rio de Janeiro: Achiamé, 1981.

HILLMAN, James (Ed.). Facing the Gods. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. Fathers and Mothers: Five Papers on Archetypal Background of Family Psychology. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. In Search: Psychology and Religion. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. Inter Views: Conversations With Laura Pozzo on Psychotherapy, Biography, Love, Soul, Dreams, Work, Imagination, and the State of the Culture. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. Ficções que Curam: Psicoterapia e Imaginação em Freud, Jung e Adler. Campinas: Verus, 2010.

HILLMAN, James. A Força do Caráter. Objetiva.

HILLMAN, James. The Force of Character: And the Lasting Life. Ballantine Books.

HILLMAN, James (Ed.). Freud's Own Cookbook. Brunner/Mazel.

HILLMAN, James. Healing Fiction. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. Kinds of Power. Crown Business.

HILLMAN, James. O Livro do Puer: Ensaios Sobre o Arquétipo do Puer Aeternus. Paulus.

HILLMAN, James. Loose Ends: Primary Papers in Archetypal Psychology. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. O Mito da Análise: Três Ensaios de Psicologia Arquetípica. Paz e Terra.

HILLMAN, James. The Myth of the Analysis: Three Essays in Archatypal Psychology. Northwestern University Press.

HILLMAN, James. Mythical Figures. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. Pã e o Pesadelo. Paulus.

HILLMAN, James. (Org.). Pais e Mães: Seis Estudos Sobre o Fundamento Arquetípico da Psicologia da Família. São Paulo: Edições Símbolo, 1979.

HILLMAN, James. Pan and the Nightmare. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. On Paranoia. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. Paranóia. Vozes.

HILLMAN, James. O Pensamento do Coração e a Alma do Mundo. Verus.

HILLMAN, James. Psicologia Alquímica. Vozes.

HILLMAN, James. Arquetípica: Um Breve Relato. Cultrix.

HILLMAN, James. (Ed.). Puer Papers. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. Re-Vendo a Psicologia. Vozes.

HILLMAN, James. Re-Visioning Psychology. William Morrow Paperbacks.

HILLMAN, James. Senex and Puer. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. O Sonho e o Mundo das Trevas. Vozes.

HILLMAN, James. The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling. Grand Central Publishing.

HILLMAN, James. Suicide and the Soul. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. Suicídio e Alma. Vozes.

HILLMAN, James. A Terrible Love of War. Penguin.

HILLMAN, James. The Thought of the Heart and The Soul of the World. Spring.

HILLMAN, James. Tipos de Poder. Cultura Editores Associados/ Axis Mundi.

HILLMAN, James; SHAMDASANI, Sonu. Lament of the Dead: Psychology After Jung's Red Book. W. W. Norton & Company.

HILLMAN, James; SHAMDASANI, Sonu. Lamento dos Mortos: A Psicologia Depois de O Livro Vermelho de Jung. Vozes.

HILLMAN, James & VENTURA, Michael. Cem Anos de Psicoterapia... E o Mundo Está Cada Vez Pior. Summus.

HILLMAN, James & VENTURA, Michael. We've Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy and the World’s Getting Worse. Harper One.

HIRAI, Tomio M. D. Zen Meditation and Psychotherapy. Japan Pubns.

HOELLER, Stephan A. A Gnose de Jung e os Sete Sermões aos Mortos. Cultrix.

HOELLER, Stephan A. Gnostic Jung and the Seven Sermons to the Dead. Quest Books.

HOELLER, Stephan A. Jung and the Lost Gospels - Insights into the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Library. Quest Books.

HOELLER, Stephan A. Jung e os Evangelhos Perdidos: Uma Apreciação Junguiana Sobre os Manuscritos do Mar Morto e a Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi. Cultrix.

HOERNI-JUNG, Helene. Maria: Imagem do Feminino. São Paulo: Pensamento, 2004.

HOFFMAN, Edward (Org.). A Sabedoria de Carl Jung. Palas Athena.

HOLLIS, James. The Archetypal Imagination. Texas A&M University Press.

HOLLIS, James. Assombrações: Dissipando os Fantasmas que Dirigem Nossas Vidas. Paulus.

HOLLIS, James. Creating a Life: Finding Your Individual Path. Inner City Books.

HOLLIS, James. The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other. Inner City Books.

HOLLIS, James. Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to Finally Really Grow Up. Chriron Publications.

HOLLIS, James. Hauntings: Dispelling the Ghosts Who Run Our Lives. Chriron Publications.

HOLLIS, James. Living Between Worlds: Finding Personal Resilience in Changing Times. Sounds True.

HOLLIS, James. The Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Midlife. Inner City Books.

HOLLIS, James. Mirrors of Transformation: The Self in Relationships. Roundtable Press.

HOLLIS, James. Mitologemas: Encarnações do Mundo Invisível. Paulus.

HOLLIS, James. Mythologems: Incarnation of the Invisible World. Inner City Books.

HOLLIS, James. Nesta Jornada que Chamamos Vida. Paulus.

HOLLIS, James. On This Journey We Call Our Life: Living the Questions. Inner City Books.

HOLLIS, James. Os Pantanais da Alma: Nova Vida em Lugares Sombrios. Paulus.

HOLLIS, James. A Passagem do Meio: Da Miséria ao Significado da Meia-Idade. Paulus.

HOLLIS, James. O Projeto Éden: A Busca do Outro Mágico. Paulus.

HOLLIS, James. Rastreando os Deuses: O Lugar do Mito na Vida Moderna. Paulus.

HOLLIS, James. Sob a Sombra de Saturno: A Ferida e a Cura dos Homens. Paulus.

HOLLIS, James. Swamplands of the Soul: New Life in Dismal Places. Inner City Books.

HOLLIS, James. Tracking the Gods: The Place of Myth in Modern Life. Inner City Books.

HOLLIS, James. Under Saturn’s Shadow: The Wounding and Healing of Men. Inner City Books.

HOLLIS, James. What Matters Most - Living a More Considered Life. Gotham.

HOLLIS, James. Why Good People Do Bad Things: Understanding our Darker Selves. Gotham.

HOOP, J. H. van der. Character and the Unconscious: A Critical Exposition of the Psychology of Freud and of Jung. Hoop Press.

HOPCKE, Robert H. Catholics and the Death Penalty: Six Things Catholics Can Do To End Capital Punishment. St. Anthony Messenger Press.

HOPCKE, Robert H. Guia Para a Obra Completa de C. G. Jung. Vozes.

HOPCKE, Robert H. A Guided Tour of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung. Shambhala.

HOPCKE, Robert H. Jung, Jungians and Homosexuality. Shambhala.

HOPCKE, Robert H. Jung, Junguianos e a Homossexualidade. São Paulo: Siciliano, 1993.

HOPCKE, Robert H. Living the Mysteries: The Spiritual Power of the Rosary in the Lives of Contemporary People. The Crossroad Publishing Company.

HOPCKE, Robert H. Men's Dreams, Men's Healing: A Psychotherapist Explores a New View of Maculinity Through Jungian Dreamwork. Shambhala.

HOPCKE, Robert H. Persona: Where Sacred Meets Profane. Shambhala.

HOPCKE, Robert H. Same-Sex Love: And the Path to Wholeness. Shambhala.

HOPCKE, Robert H. Sincronicidade: Ou Porque Nada é Por Acaso. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Era, 2005.   

HOPCKE, Robert H. There Are No Accidents: Synchronicity and the Stories of our Lives. Riverhead Trade.

HOPCKE, Robert H.; RAFATY, Laura. A Couple of Friends: The Remarkable Friendship Between Straight Women and Gay Men. Wildcat Canyon Press.

HORTA, Bernardo Carneiro. Nise: Arqueóloga dos Mares. Rio de Janeiro: Aeroplano, 2009.

HOWELL, Alice O. The Dove in the Stone: Finding the Sacred in the Commonplace. Quest Books.

HOWELL, Alice O. The Heavens Declare: Astrological Ages and the Evolution of Consciousness. Quest Books.                                                                                                                                  

HOWELL, Alice O. Jungian Symbolism in Astrology. American Federation of Astrologers.

HOWELL, Alice O. Jungian Synchronicity in Astrological Signs and Ages. Quest Books.

HOWELL, Alice O. The Web in the Sea: Jung, Sophia, and the Geometry of the Soul. Quest Books.

HUMBERT, Elie G. C. G. Jung - The Fundamentals of Theory and Practice. Chiron Publications.

HUMBERT, Elie G. Jung. Summus.

HUSKINSON, Lucy. Dreaming the Myth Onwards New Directions in Jungian Therapy and Thought. Routledge.

HUSKINSON, Lucy. Nietzsche and Jung: The Whole Self in the Union of Opposites. Routledge.

HUSKINSON, Lucy; STEIN, Murray. Analytical Psychology in a Changing World: The Search for Self, Identity and Community. Routledge.

HYDE, Maggie; MCGUINNESS, Michael. Entendendo Jung: Um Guia Ilustrado. Leya.


IACCINO, James F. Junguian Reflection Within the Cinema: A Psychological Analysis of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Archetypes. Praeger.

INGLIS, Brian. Coincidence: A Matter of Chance - or Sinchronicity? Hutchinson.

INGLIS, Brian. Coincidências: Mero Acaso ou Sincronicidade? Cultrix.

INGLIS, Brian. O Poder dos Sonhos. Cultrix.

INGLIS, Brian. The Power of Dreams. Paladin.

INMAN, Thomas. Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism.

IZOD, John. Myth, Mind and the Screen: Understanding the Heroes of Our Time. Cambridge University Press.


JABOUILLE, Victor. Iniciação à Ciência dos Mitos. Inquérito.

JACKSON, Eve. Alimento e Transformação: Imagens e Simbolismo da Alimentação. Paulus.

JACKSON, Eve. Food and Transformation: Imagery and Symbolism of Eating. Inner City Books.

JACKSON, Graham. The Living Room Mysteries - Patterns of Male Intimacy. Inner City Books.

JACKSON, Graham. Os Mistérios da Sala de Estar: Padrões de Relacionamentos Masculinos. Paulus.

JACKSON, Graham. The Secret Lore or Gardening - Patterns of Male Intimacy. Inner City Books.

JACKSON, Graham. A Tradição Secreta da Jardinagem: Padrões de Relacionamentos Masculinos. Paulus.

JACOBI, Jolande. C. G. Jung Psychological Reflections: A New Anthology of His Writings 1905 - 1961. Princeton University Press.

JACOBI, Jolande. Complex/ Archetype/ Symbol in the Psychology of C. G. Jung. Princeton University Press.

JACOBI, Jolande. Complexo, Arquétipo e Símbolo na Psicologia de C. G. Jung. Cultrix.

JACOBI, Jolande. Masks of the Soul. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

JACOBI, Jolande. Paracelsus: Selected Writings. Princeton University Press.

JACOBI, Jolande. A Psicologia de C. G. Jung: Uma Introdução às Obras Completas. Vozes.

JACOBI, Jolande. The Psychology of C. G. Jung. Routledge.           

JACOBI, Jolande. The Way of Individuation: The Indispensable Key to Understanding Jungian Psychology. Plume.

JACOBY, Mario. The Analytic Encounter: Transference and Human Relationship. Inner City Books.

JACOBY, Mario. O Encontro Analítico. Vozes.

JACOBY, Mario. Individuação e Narcisismo: A Psicologia do Si-mesmo em Jung e Kohut. Vozes.

JACOBY, Mario. Individuation and Narcissism: The Psychology of the Self in Jung and Kohut. Routledge.

JACOBY, Mario. Jungian Psychotherapy and Contemporary Infant Research: Basic Patterns of Emotional Exchange. Routledge.

JACOBY, Mario. The Longing for Paradise: Psychological Perspectives on an Archetype. Inner City Books.

JACOBY, Mario. Psicoterapia Junguiana e a Pesquisa com Crianças. Paulus.

JACOBY, Mario. Saudades do Paraíso: Perspectivas Psicológicas de um Arquétipo. Paulus.

JACOBY, Mario. Shame and the Origins of Self-Esteem: A Jungian Approach. Routledge.

JACOBY, Mario. A Vergonha e as Origens da Autoestima: Abordagem Junguiana. Vozes.

JACOBY, Mario; KAST, Verene; RIEDEL, Ingrid. Witches, Ogres, and the Devil's Daughter: Encounters with Evil in Fairy Tales. Shambhala.

JAFFÉ, Aniela. Apparitions: An Archetypal Approach to Death, Dreams and Ghosts. Spring.

JAFFÉ, Aniela. Apparitions and Precognition: A Study from the Point of View of C. G. Jung's Analytical Psychology. University Books.

JAFFÉ, Aniela. C. G. Jung: Word and Image. Princeton University Press.

JAFFÉ, Aniela. Ensaios Sobre a Psicologia de C. G. Jung. Cultrix.

JAFFÉ, Aniela. From the Life and Work of C. G. Jung. Daimon Verlag.

JAFFÉ, Aniela. Jung's Last Years and Other Essays. Spring.

JAFFÉ, Aniela. O Mito do Significado na Obra de C. G. Jung. Cultrix.

JAFFÉ, Aniela. Myth of Meaning: Jung and the Expansion of Consciousness. Penguin Books.

JAFFÉ, Aniela. Reflections on the Life and Dreams of C.G. Jung: By Aniela Jaffé from Conversations with Jung. Daimon.

JAFFÉ, Aniela. Os Últimos Anos de Carl G. Jung: Ensaios Sobre sua Vida e Obra na Maturidade. Cultrix.

JAFFÉ, Aniela. Was C. G. Jung a Mystic?: And Other Essays. Daimon Verlag.

JAFFÉ, Aniella; FREY-ROHN, Liliane; VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. A Morte à Luz da Psicologia. Cultrix.

JAFFE, Lawrence W. A Alma Celebra: Preparação Para a Nova Religião. Paulus.

JAFFE, Lawrence W. Celebrating Soul: Preparing for the New Religion. Inner City Books.

JAFFE, Lawrence W. Liberating the Heart: Spirituality and Jungian Psychology. Inner City Books.

JAFFE, Lawrence W. Libertando o Coração: Espiritualidade e Psicologia Junguiana. Cultrix.

JARRET, James L. (Org.). Jung’s Seminar on Nietzche’s Zarathustra. Princeton University Press.

JELLOUSCHEK, Hans. Sêmele, Zeus e Hera: Um Estudo Sobre a Mitologia Arquetípica por Trás dos Triângulos Amorosos. Cultrix.

JOHNSON, Robert A. Ecstasy: Understanding the Psychology of Joy. Harper.

JOHNSON, Robert A. Feminilidade Perdida e Reconquistada. Mercuryo.

JOHNSON, Robert A. Femininity Lost and Regained. Harper.

JOHNSON, Robert A. The Fisher King and the Handless Maiden: Understanding the Wounded Feeling Function in Masculine and Feminine Psychology. Harper.

JOHNSON, Robert A. HE: A Chave do Entendimento da Psicologia Masculina. Mercuryo.

JOHNSON, Robert A. HE: Understanding Masculine Psychology. Harper.

JOHNSON, Robert A. Inner Gold: Understanding Psychological Projection. Koa Books.

JOHNSON, Robert A. Inner Work: A Chave do Reino Interior. Mercuryo.

JOHNSON, Robert A. Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth.  Harper & Row.

JOHNSON, Robert A. Lying with the Heavenly Woman: Understanding and Interpreting the Feminine Archetypes in Men's Lives. Harper.

JOHNSON, Robert A. A Magia Interior: Como Dominar o Lado Sombrio da Psique. Mercuryo.

JOHNSON, Robert A. Owning Your Own Shadow - Understanding the Dark Side of the Psyche. Harper.

JOHNSON, Robert A. SHE: A Chave do Entendimento da Psicologia Feminina. Mercuryo.

JOHNSON, Robert A. SHE: Understanding Feminine Psychology. Harper.

JOHNSON, Robert A. Transformation: Understanding the Three Levels of Masculine Consciousness. Harper.

JOHNSON, Robert A. WE: A Chave da Psicologia do Amor Romântico. Mercuryo.

JOHNSON, Robert A. WE: Understanding the Psychology of Romantic Love. Harper.

JOHNSON, Robert A.; RUHL, Jeny M. Balancing Heaven and Earth: A Memoir of Visions, Dreams, and Realizations. Harper.

JOHNSON, Robert A.; RUHL, Jeny M. Contentment: A Way to True Happiness. Harper.

JOHNSON, Robert A.; RUHL, Jeny M. Living Your Unlived Life: Coping with Unrealized Dreams and Fulfilling Your Purpose in the Second Half of Life. Tarcher.

JOHNSON, Robert A.; RUHL, Jeny M. Viver a Vida Não Vivida. Vozes.

JOHNSTON, James Graham. Jung's Indispensable Compass: Navigating the Dynamics of Psychological Types. Mse Press.

JONES, Raya (Org.). Body, Mind and Healing After Jung: A Space of Questions. Routledge.

JONES, Raya; CLARKSON, Austin; CONGRAM, Susan; STRATTON, Nick (Orgs.). Education and Imagination: Post-Junguian Perspectives. Routledge.

JUDY, Dwight H. Curando a Alma Masculina: O Cristianismo e a Jornada Mítica. Paulus.

JUDY, Dwight H. Healing the Male Soul: Christianity and the Mythic Journey. Crossroad.

JUNG, Andreas (Org.). The. House of C. G. Jung: The History and Restoration of the Residence of Emma and Carl Gustav Jung-Rauschenbach. Chiron Publications.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. I: Estudos Psiquiátricos. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. II: Estudos Experimentais. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. III: Psicogênese das Doenças Mentais. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. IV: Freud e a Psicanálise. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. V: Símbolos da Transformação: Análise dos Prelúdios de uma Esquizofrenia. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. VI: Tipos Psicológicos. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. VII/ 1: Psicologia do Inconsciente. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. VII/2: O Eu e o Inconsciente. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. VIII/ 1: A Energia Psíquica. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. VIII/ 2: A Natureza da Psique. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. VIII/ 3: Sincronicidade: Um Princípio de Conexões Acausais. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. IX/ 1: Os Arquétipos e o Inconsciente Coletivo. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. IX/ 2: Aion: Estudos Sobre o Simbolismo do Si-Mesmo. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. X/ 1: Presente e Futuro. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. X/ 2: Aspectos do Drama Contemporâneo. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. X/ 3: Civilização em Transição. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. X/4: Um Mito Moderno Sobre Coisas Vistas no Céu. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XI/ 1: Psicologia e Religião. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XI/ 2: Interpretação Psicológica do Dogma da Trindade. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XI/ 3: O Símbolo da Transformação na Missa. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XI/ 4: Resposta à Jó. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XI/ 5: Psicologia e Religião Oriental. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XI/ 6: Escritos Diversos. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XII: Psicologia e Alquimia. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XIII: Estudos Alquímicos. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XIV/ 1: Mysterium Coniunctionis: Os Componentes da Coniunctio/ Paradoxa/ As Pesonificações dos Opostos. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XIV/ 2: Mysterium Coniunctionis: Rex e Regina/ Adão e Eva/ A Conjunção. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XIV/ 3: Mysterium Coniunctionis: Epílogo/ Aurora Consurgens. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XV: O Espírito na Arte e na Ciência. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XVI/ 1: A Prática da Psicoterapia. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XVI/ 2: Ab-Reação, Análise dos Sonhos, Transferência. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XVII: O Desenvolvimento da Personalidade. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XVIII/ 1: A Vida Simbólica. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas Vol. XVIII/ 2: A Vida Simbólica. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Obras Completas: Índices Gerais: Onomástico e Analítico. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. A Arte de C. G. Jung. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Aspectos do Feminino. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Aspectos do Masculino. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Cartas Volume I: 1906-1945. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Cartas Volume II: 1946-1955. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Cartas Volume III: 1956-1961. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. [FALZEDR, Ernst (Ed.)]. História da Psicologia Moderna. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. O Homem e Seus Símbolos. Nova Fronteira.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. O Indivíduo Moderno em Busca de uma Alma. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. O Livro Vermelho - Liber Novus. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Os Livros Negros. 7 Vols. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Memórias, Sonhos, Reflexões. Nova Fronteira.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. [SHAMDASANI, Sonu. (Ed.)]. A Psicologia da Ioga Kundalini: Notas do Seminário Realizado em 1932 por C. G. Jung. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Quatro Arquétipos: Mãe, Renascimento, Espírito, Trickster. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Seminários Sobre Análise de Sonhos: Notas do Seminário Dado em 1928-1930 por C. G. Jung. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Seminários Sobre Psicologia Analítica (1925). Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Seminários Sobre Sonhos de Crianças. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. O Si-Mesmo Oculto. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Sobre Sentimentos e a Sombra: Sessões de Perguntas de Winterthur. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Sobre Sonhos e Transformações: Sessões de Perguntas de Zurique. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav. Sonhos. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav; KERÉNYI, Karl. A Criança Divina: Uma Introdução à Essência da Mitologia. Vozes.

JUNG, Carl Gustav; KIRSH, James. The Jung-Kirsch Letters: The Correspondence of C.G. Jung and James Kirsch. Routledge.

JUNG, Carl Gustav; NEUMANN, Erich. Analytical Psychology in Exile: The Correspondence of C. G. Jung and Erich Neumann. Princeton University Press.

JUNG, Carl Gustav; PAULI, Wolfgang. Atom and Archetype: The Pauli/Jung Letters, 1932-1958. Princeton University Press.

JUNG, Carl Gustav; PAULI, Wolfgang. The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche. Ishi Press.

JUNG, Carl Gustav; SCHMID-GUISAN, Hans. The Question of Psychological Types: The Correspondence of C G Jung and Hans Schmid-Guisan, 1915-16. Princeton University Press.

JUNG, Carl Gustav; WILHELM, Richard. O Segredo da Flor de Ouro - Um Livro de Vida Chinês. Vozes.

JUNG, Emma. Anima e Animus. Cultrix.

JUNG, Emma; VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. The Grail Legend. Princeton University Press.

JUNG, Emma; VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. A Lenda do Graal. Cultrix.


KALFF, Dora. Sandplay: A Psychotherapeutic Approach to the Psyche. Temenos Press.

KALSHED, Donald. The Inner World of Trauma: Archetypal Defenses of the Personal Spirit. Routledge.

KALSHED, Donald. O Mundo Interior do Trauma: Defesas Arquetípicas do Espírito Pessoal. Paulus.

KALSHED, Donald. Trauma and the Soul: A Psycho-Spiritual Approach to Human Development and its Interruption. Routledge.

KANE, Evangeline. Recovering from Incest: Imagination and the Healing Process. Sigo Press.

KAPLAN-WILLIAMS, Strephon. Dreamworking: A Comprehensive Guide to Working with Dreams. Journey Press.

KAPLAN-WILLIAMS, Strephon. The Elements of Dreamwork. Element Books.

KAPLAN-WILLIAMS, Strephon. The Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Manual: A Step-by-Step Introduction to Working With Dreams. Journey Press.

KAPLAN-WILLIAMS, Strephon. The Practice of Personal Transformation: A Jungian Approach. Journey Press.

KAPLAN-WILLIAMS, Strephon. Transforming Childhood: A Handbook for Personal Growth. Journey Press.

KAST, Verena. Abandonar o Papel de Vítima: Viva sua Própria Vida. Vozes.

KAST, Verena. A Alma Precisa de Tempo. Vozes.

KAST, Verena. O Amor nos Contos de Fada: O Anseio Pelo Outro. Vozes.

KAST, Verena. A Ansiedade e as Formas de Lidar com Ela nos Contos de Fadas. Paulus.

KAST, Verena. O Caminho Para Si Mesmo. Vozes.

KAST, Verena. The Creative Leap: Psychological Transformation Thought Crisis. Chiron Publications.

KAST, Verena. Crises da Vida São Chances de Vida: Crie Pontos de Virada. Aparecida: Ideias & Letras, 2004.

KAST, Verena. A Dinâmica dos Símbolos: Fundamentos da Psicoterapia Junguiana. Vozes.

KAST, Verena. Fairy Tales for the Psyche: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves and the Myth of Sisyphus. Continuum.

KAST, Verena. Filhas de Pai, Filhos de Mãe: Complexos de Pai e Mãe e Caminhos para a identidade Própria. Vozes.

KAST, Verena. Folktales as Therapy. Fromm Intl.

KAST, Verena. A Imaginação Como Espaço de Liberdade: Diálogos Entre o Ego e o Inconsciente. São Paulo: Loyola, 1997.

KAST, Verena. Joy, Inspiration and Hope. Texas A&M University Press.

KAST, Verena. Jung e a Psicologia Profunda: Um Guia de Orientação Prática. Vozes.

KAST, Verena. Letting Go and Finding Yourself. Bloomsbury Academic.

KAST, Verena. Mermaid in the Pond: An Erotic Fairy Tale for Adults. Continuum.

KAST, Verena. The Nature of Loving: Patterns of Human Relationship. Chiron Publications.

KAST, Verena. Pais e Filhas, Mães e Filhos: Caminhos para a Auto-identidade a Partir dos Complexos Materno e Paterno. Loyola.

KAST, Verena. Sísifo: Vida, Morte e Renascimento Através do Arquétipo da Repetição Infinita. Cultrix.

KAST, Verena. Sisyphus: A Jungian Approach to Midlife Crisis. Daimon Verlag.

KAST, Verena. O Sentido do Medo. Vozes.

KAST, Verena. A Sombra em Nós: A Força Vital Subversiva. Vozes.

KAST, Verena. Sonhos: A Linguagem Enigmática do Inconsciente. Vozes

KAST, Verena. Through Emotions to Maturity: Psychological Readings of Fairy Tales. Fromm Intl.

KAST, Verena. Time to Mourn: Growing Through the Grief Process. Daimon Verlag.

KASTRUP, Bernardo. Decoding Jung's Metaphysics: The Archetypal Semantics of an Experiential Universe. Iff Books.

KAUFFMAN, Yoram. The Way of the Image: The Orientational Approach to the Psyche. Zahav Books.

KAWAY, Hayao. Buddhism and the Art of Psychotherapy. Texas A&M University Press.

KAWAY, Hayao. Dreams, Myths and Fairy Tales in Japan. Daimon Verlag.

KAWAY, Hayao. Japanese Psyche: Major Motifs in the Fairy Tales of Japan. Spring.

KAWAY, Hayao. A Psique Japonesa: Grandes Temas dos Contos de Fadas Japoneses. Paulus.

KELSEY, Morton T. Companions On The Inner Way - The Art of Spiritual Guidance. Crossroad.

KELSEY, Morton T. Deus, Sonhos e Revelação: Interpretação Cristã dos Sonhos. Paulus.

KELSEY, Morton T. God, Dreams, and Revelation: A Christian Interpretation of Dreams. Augsburd Books.

KELSEY, Morton T. The Other Side of Silence: A Guide to Christian Meditation. Paulist Press.

KELSEY, Morton T. Sacrament of Sexuality: The Spirituality and Psychology of Sex. Element Books.

KERÉNYI, Karl. Apollo: The Wind, the Spirit and the God - Four Studies. Spring.

KERÉNYI, Karl. Arquétipos da Religião Grega. Vozes.

KERÉNYI, Karl. Asklepios: Archetypal Image of the Physician's Existence. Spring.

KERÉNYI, Karl. Athene: Virgin and Mother in Greek Religion. Spring.

KERÉNYI, Karl. Os Deuses Gregos. Cultrix.

KERÉNYI, Karl. Dionysos: Archetypal Image of Indestructible Life. Spring.

KERÉNYI, Karl. The Gods of the Greeks. Thames & Hudson.


KERÉNYI, Karl. Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter. Spring.

KERÉNYI, Karl. Goddesses of Sun and Moon: Circe, Aphrodite, Medea, Niobe. Spring.

KERÉNYI, Karl. Hermes: Guide of Souls. Spring.

KERÉNYI, Karl. The Heroes of the Greeks. Thames & Hudson.

KERÉNYI, Karl. Os Heróis Gregos. Cultrix.                         

KERÉNYI, Karl. A Mitologia dos Gregos Vol. 1: A História dos Deuses e dos Homens. Vozes.

KERÉNYI, Karl. A Mitologia dos Gregos Vol. 2: A História dos Heróis. Vozes.

KERÉNYI, Karl. Pesquisa Humanista da Alma. Vozes.

KERÉNYI, Karl. Religião Antiga. Vozes.

KERÉNYI, Karl.Zeus and Hera: Archetypal Image of Father, Husband and Wife. Spring.

KERÉNYI, Karl; HILLMAN, James. Édipo e Variações. Vozes.

KERÉNYI, Karl; HILLMAN, James. Oedipus Variations. Spring.

KERÉNYI, Károly. Estudos do Labirinto Seguido de A Ideia Religiosa do Não-Ser. Editora Assirio & Alvim.

KETELS, Maxwell (Ed.). Jung’s Funeral Service: 9th June 1961: A Transcript. London Analytical Psychology Club.

KILLICK, Katherine; SCHAVERIAN, Joy (Eds.). Art, Psychoterapy and Psychosis. Routledge

KING, Serge. Imaginação Ativa: A Arte de Curar-se Através do Poder da Mente. Pensamento.

KINGSLEY, Peter. Catafalque: Carl Jung and the End of Humanity. Catafalque Press, 2021.

KINSLEY, David. Hindu Goddess: Visions of the Divine Feminine in the Hindu Religious Tradition. University of California Press.

KINSLEY, David. Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas. University of California Press.

KIRSCH, Thomas B. Jungian Analysis, Depht Psychology and Soul: The Selected Works of Thomas B. Kirsch. Routledge.

KIRSCH, Thomas B. The Jungians: A Comparative and Historical Perspective. Routledge.

KIRSCH, Thomas B.; RUTTER, Virginia B.; SINGER, Thomas (Eds.). Initiation: The Living Reality of an Archetype. Routledge.

KLUGER, Rivkah Schärf. Archetypal Significance of Gilgamesh: A Modern Ancient Hero. Daimon Verlag.

KLUGER, Rivkah Schärf. Psyche and Bible: Three Old Testament Themes. Spring.

KLUGER, Rivkah Schärf. Psyche in Scripture: The Idea of the Chosen People and Other Essays. Inner City Books.

KLUGER, Rivkah Schärf. O Significado Arquetípico de Gilgamesh. Paulus.

KNAPP, Bettina L. Archetype, Architecture, and the Writer. Indiana University Press.

KNAPP, Bettina L. Archetype, Dance and the Writer. Bethel Pub Co.

KNAPP, Bettina L. Dream and Image. Indiana University Press.

KNAPP, Bettina L. French Fairy Tales: A Jungian Approach. State University of New York Press.

KNAPP, Bettina L. Gambling, Game, and Psyche. State University of New York Press.

Knapp, Bettina L. Images of Chinese Women: A Westerner's View. Whitston Pub Co Inc.

KNAPP, Bettina L. Images of Japanese Women: A Westerner's View. Whitston Pub Co Inc.

KNAPP, Bettina L. A Jungian Approach to Literature. Southern Illinois University Press.

KNAPP, Bettina L. Manna & Mystery: A Jungian Approach to Hebrew Myth and Legend. Chiron Publications.

KNAPP, Bettina L. Theatre and Alchemy. Wayne State University Press.

KNAPP, Bettina L. Women in Myth. State University of New York Press.

KNAPP, Bettina L. Women, Myth, and the Feminine Principle. State University of New York Press.

KOESTLER, Arthur. The Act of Creation: A Study of the Conscious and Unconscious in Science and Art. Penguin Books.

KOESTLER, Arthur. O Fantasma da Máquina. Zahar.

KOESTLER, Arthur. The Ghost In The Machine - The Urge To Self-Destruction: A Psychological And Evolutionary Study Of Modern Man's Predicament. Macmillan.

KOESTLER, Arthur. As Raízes da Coincidência. Nova Fronteira.

KOESTLER, Arthur. The Roots of Coincidence. Vintage.

KOLTUV, Barbara Black. Amulets, Talismans, and Magical Jewelry: A Way to the Unseen, Everpresent, Almighty God. Nicolas Hays.

KOLTUV, Barbara Black. The Black Book of Lilith. Red Wheel Weiser.

KOLTUV, Barbara Black. O Livro de Lilith: O Resgate do Lado Sombrio do Feminino Universal. Cultrix.

KOLTUV, Barbara Black. Nights by the Wall: A Guide to Dreams, Dreamwork, and Profound Self-Knowing. Nicolas Hays.

KOLTUV, Barbara Black. Solomon & Sheba: Inner Marriage and Individuation. Red Wheel Weiser.

KOLTUV, Barbara Black. A Tecelã: Ensaios sobre a Psicologia Feminina Extraídos dos Diários de uma Analista Junguiana. Cultrix.

KOLTUV, Barbara Black. Weaving Woman: Essays in Feminine Psychology from the Notebooks of a Junguian Analyst. Red Wheel Weiser.

KRAMER, Kenneth P. Death Dreams: Unveiling Mysteries of the Unconscious Mind. Paulist Press.

KREINHEDER, Albert. Body and Soul: The Other Side of Illness. Inner City Books.

KREINHEDER, Albert. Conversando com a Doença: Um Diálogo de Corpo e Alma. São Paulo: Summus, 1993.

KRIPPNER, Stanley. O Caminho da Autotransformação. Cultrix.

KRIPPNER, Stanley. Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them. State University of New York Press.

KRIPPNER, Stanley. Mysterious Minds: The Neurobiology of Psychics, Mediums, and Other Extraordinary People. Praeger.

KRIPPNER, Stanley. Song of the Siren: A Parapsychological Odyssey. Harper & Row.

Krippner, Stanley; POWERS, Susan. Broken Images Broken Selves: Dissociative Narratives in Clinical Practice. Routledge.

KROEKER, Joel. Quando a Psique Canta: A Música na Psicoterapia Junguiana. Paulus.

KUGLER, Paul. Perspectivas Junguianas Sobre Supervisão Clínica. Vozes.


LAMBERT, Kenneth. Analysis, Repair and Individuation. Karnac Books.

LAMMERS, Ann Conrad; CUNNINGHAM, Adrian (Eds.). The Jung-White Letters. Routledge.

LAPRADE, Joanna. Arquétipos da Sombra: Uma Jornada de Aceitação e Transformação Pessoal por Meio dos Mitos Gregos do Submundo. Cultrix.

LARSEN, Stephen. Imaginação Mítica: A Busca de Significado Através da Mitologia Pessoal. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 1991.

LARSEN, Stephen. The Mythic Imagination: The Quest for Meaning Through Personal Mythology. Inner Traditions.

LAUTER, Estalla; RUPRECHT, Carol Schreier (Eds.). Feminist Archetypal Theory: Interdisciplinary Revisions of Jungian Thought. University of Tennessee Press.

LAYARD, John. A Celtic Quest: Sexuality and Soul in Individuation. Spring.

LAYARD, John. The Lady of the Hare: A Study in the Healing Power of Dreams. Shambhala.

LAYARD, John. The Virgin Archetype. Spring.

LENOIR, Frédéric. Jung: Uma Viagem em Direção a si Mesmo. Vozes.

LEONARD, Linda Schierse. The Call to Create: Listening to the Muse in Art and Everyday Life. Spring Journal, Inc.

LEONARD, Linda Schierse. Creation's Heartbeat: Following the Reindeer Spirit. Bantam.

LEONARD, Linda Schierse. Following the Reindeer Woman: Path of Peace and Harmony. Spring Journal, Inc.

LEONARD, Linda Schierse. E a Louca Tinha Razão: Canalizando a Explosão dos Instintos para uma Vida Criativa. Summus.

LEONARD, Linda Schierse. Meeting the Madwoman: Empowering the Feminine. Bantam.

LEONARD, Linda Schierse. A Mulher Ferida: Em Busca de um Relacionamento Responsável entre Homens e Mulheres. Summus.

LEONARD, Linda Schierse. No Caminho Para as Núpcias. Paulus.

LEONARD, Linda Schierse. On the Way to the Wedding: Transforming the Love Relationship. Shambhala.

LEONARD, Linda Schierse. Witness to the Fire: Creativity and the Veil of Addiction. Shambhala.

LEONARD, Linda Schierse. The Wounded Woman: Healing the Father-Daughter Relationship. Shambhala.

LEPERA, Elizabete Sofia. Sincronicidade: O Tempo de Kairós na Psicoterapia. Vetor.

LERNER, Isha; LERNER, Mark. Inner Child Cards - A Fairy-Tale Tarot. Bear & Company.

LERNER, Isha; LERNER, Mark. O Tarô da Criança Interior. Cultrix.

LESSA, Elvina. Equipes de Alto Desempenho: A Tipologia de Jung na Empresa. Vetor.

LEVY, Edna. Tornar-se Quem se É: A Constelação do Self no Jogo de Areia. Armazém Digital.

LÉVY-BRUHL, Lucien. How Natives Think. Princeton University Press.

LÉVY-BRUHL, Lucien. A Mentalidade Primitiva. Niterói: Teodoro, 2015.

LÉVY-BRUHL, Lucien. A Mente do Homem Primitivo. Vozes.

LÉVY-BRUHL, Lucien. Primitive Mentality. George Allen & Unwin LTD.

LÉVY-BRUHL, Lucien. Primitive Mythology. University of Queensland Press.

LÉVY-BRUHL, Lucien. Primitives and the Supernatural. E. P. Dutton & Co. Inc.

LÉVY-BRUHL, Lucien. The Soul of the Primitive. Macmillan.

LEXICON, Herder. Dicionário de Símbolos. Cultrix.

LIEBSCHER, Martin (Ed.). Analytical Psychology in Exile: The Correspondence of C. G. Jung and Erich Neumann. Princeton University Press.

LIEBSCHER, Martin (Ed.). Jung on Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises: Lectures Delivered at Eth Zurich: 1939-1940. Princeton University Press.

LIMA, E. A. Arte, Clínica e Loucura: Território em Mutação. Summus.

LIMA, Jorge Antonio Monteiro de. Tirésias: Olhos da Alma Sã. Vetor.

LIMA FILHO, Alberto Pereira. O Pai e a Psique. Paulus.

LINDMEIER, K. A Parapsicologia e a Epilepsia numa Visão Junguiana. Edusf.

LOCKHARDT, Russell Arthur. Psyche Speaks: A Jungian Approach to Self and World. The Lockhart Press.

LOCKHARDT, Russell Arthur. Words as Eggs: Psyche in Language and Clinic. The Lockhart Press.

LOCKHARDT, Russell Arthur; HILLMAN, James. Soul and Money. Spring.

LOIBL, Elizabeth. Deuses Animais. Edicon.

LOPARIC, Zeljko. Winnicott e Jung. DWW Editorial, 2014.

LÓPEZ-PEDRAZA, Rafael. 4 Ensayos desde la Psicoterapia. Caracas: Festina Lente, 2006.

LÓPEZ-PEDRAZA, Rafael. Ansiedade Cultural. Paulus.

LÓPEZ-PEDRAZA, Rafael. Ártemis e Hipólito: Mito e Tragédia. Vozes.

LÓPEZ-PEDRAZA, Rafael. Cultural Anxiety. Daimon Verlag.

LÓPEZ-PEDRAZA, Rafael. Dioniso no Exílio: Sobre a Repressão da Emoção e do Corpo. Paulus.

LÓPEZ-PEDRAZA, Rafael. Dionysus in Exile: On the Repression of the Body and Emotion. Chiron Publications.

LÓPEZ-PEDRAZA, Rafael. As Emoções no Processo Psicoterapêutico. Vozes.

LÓPEZ-PEDRAZA, Rafael. Hermes and His Children. Daimon Verlag.

LÓPEZ-PEDRAZA, Rafael. Hermes e seus Filhos. Paulus.

LÓPEZ-PEDRAZA, Rafael. Sobre Eros e Psiquê. Vozes.

LUKE, Helen M. Dark Wood to White Rose: A Study of Meanings in Dante's Divine Comedy. Dove Publishing.

LUKE, Helen M. The Inner Story: Myth and Symbol in Bible and Literature. Crossroad Publishing.

LUKE, Helen M. Kaleidoscope: The Way of Woman and Other Essays. Morning Light Press.

LUKE, Helen M. The Laughter at the Heart of Things: Selected Essays. Parabola Books.

LUKE, Helen M. Life of the Spirit in Women: A Jungian Approach. Pendle Hill.

LUKE, Helen M. Old Age: Journey Into Simplicity. Lindisfarne Books.

LUKE, Helen M. Such Stuff as Dreams are Made On: The Autobiography and Journals of Helen M. Luke. Harmony/Bell Tower.

LUKE, Helen M. The Voice Within: Love and Virtue in the Age of the Spirit. Crossroad Publishing.

LUKE, Helen M. The Way of Woman: Awakening the Perennial Feminine. Image.

LUKE, Helen M. Woman, Earth and Spirit: The Feminine in Symbol and Myth. Crossroad Publishing.

LUTON, Frith. Bees, Honey and the Hive: Circumambulating the Centre: A Jungian Exploration of the Symbolism and the Psychology. Inner City Books.

LUZ, Fabíola. A História de Tobias: Um Estudo Sobre o Animus e o Pai. Escuta.

LUZ, Fabíola. Entendendo a Depressão. Paulus.

LYRA, Alberto. Parapsicologia e Inconsciente Coletivo. Pensamento.

LYRA, Sonia Regina. Elixir Vermelho: Muitos Falam de Amor. Curitiba: Lyra Editorial, 2001.


MACHON, H. O Critianismo em C. G. Jung. Vozes.

MACIEL, C. Diálogos Criativos Entre a Arteterapia e a Psicologia Junguiana. WAK.

MADÈRA, Romano. C. G. Jung Come Precursore di una Filosofia per L'Anima. Le Milieu.

MAGNIN, Pierre. O Sono e o Sonho. Papirus.

Main, Roderick (Ed.). Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal. Princeton University Press, 1998.

MALANDRINO, Brígida Carla. Umbanda: Mudanças e Permanências: Uma Análise Simbólica. FAPESP.

MANKOVITZ, Ann. Change of Life - A Psychological Study of Dreams and the Menopause. Inner City Books.

MANKOVITZ, Ann. Menopausa: Tempo de Renascimento. Paulus.

MARLAN, Stanton (Ed.). Archetypal Psichologies: Reflection in Honor of James Hillman. Spring Journal.

MARLAN, Stanton. The Black Sun: The Alchemy and Art of Darkness. Texas A&M University Press.

MARLAN, Stanton. Jung's Alchemical Philosophy: Psyche and the Mercurial Play of Image and Idea. Routledge.

MARONI, Amnéris. Figuras da Imaginação: Buscando Compreender a Psique. Summus.

MARONI, Amnéris. Jung: Individuação e Coletividade. Moderna.

MARONI, Amnéris. Jung: O Poeta da Alma. Summus.

MARSHALL, James A.; SHARP, Daryl (Orgs.). Marie-Louise von Franz: The Classic Jungian and the Classic Jungian Tradition. Inner City Books.

MARTIN, Kathleen (Ed.). O Livro dos Símbolos: Reflexões Sobre Imagens Arquetípicas. Taschen.

MARTIN, P. W. Experiment in Depth: A Study of the Work of Jung, Eliot and Toynbee. Routledge.

MARTINS, Aracéli. Entendendo o Humor. Paulus.

MASON, Olive (Ed.). Quest: Writings to Honour C. G. Jung. Analytical Psychology Club.

MATO, Tataya. The Black Madonna Within: Drawings, Dreams, Reflections. Open Court.

MATTOON, Mary Ann (Ed.). The Archetype of Shadow in a Split World: Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress for Analytical Psychology, Berlin, 1986.

MATTOON, Mary Ann. Como Entender os Sonhos. Paulus.

MATTOON, Mary Ann. Jungian Psychology in Perspective. Free Press.

MATTOON, Mary Ann. Understanding Dreams. Spring.

MATTOS, Solange Missagia de. Simbolismo do Herói: Uma Abordagem Sobre a Ciência do Imaginário. CRV.

MCCAULEY, Robert N.; LAWSON, E. Thomas. Bringing Ritual to Mind: Psychological Foundations of Cultural Forms. Cambridge University Press.

MCCULLY, Robert S. Jung and Rohrschach - A Study in the Archetype of Perception. Spring.

MCCULLY, Robert S. Rorschach: Teoria e Simbolismo: Uma Abordagem Junguiana. Interlivros.

MCGUIRE, William (Org.). Cartas de Freud e Jung. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2023.

MCGUIRE, William (Org.). Freud/ Jung: Correspondência Completa. Imago.

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RAMOS, Denise Gimenez. A Psique do Corpo: Uma Compreensão Simbólica da Doença. Summus.

RANK, Otto. O Duplo: Um Estudo Psicanalítico. Dublinense.

RANK, Otto. O Mito do Nascimento do Herói. São Paulo: Cienbook, 2015.

RANK, Otto. The Myth of the Birth of the Hero. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company.

RANK, Otto. Psychology and the Soul. University of Pennsylvania Press.

RANK, Otto. O Trauma do Nascimento. São Paulo: Cienbook, 2016.

RANK, Otto. The Trauma of Birth. Martino Publishing.

RANK, Otto; RAGLAN, Fitzroy Richard Somerset; DUNDES, Alan. In Quest of the Hero. Princeton University Press.

RASCJE, Jörg. Prometeu: Revolta, Amadurecimento e Transformação do Princípio Masculino do Self. Cultrix.

RATIS, Pedro. C. G. Jung: A Gente se Vê em Olinda. Brasiliense.

REDFEARN, Joseph W. T. My Self, My Many Selves. Karnac Books.

REEVES, H.; CAZENAVE, M. (Eds.). A Sincronicidade, a Alma e a Ciência. Instituto Piaget.

REIS, Marfiza T. Ramalho; SPACCAQUERCHE, Maria Elci (Orgs.). A Família em Foco: Sob as Lentes do Cinema. Paulus.

RIBEIRO, Sidarta. O Oráculo da Noite: A História e a Ciência do Sonho. Companhia das Letras.

RICHEBÄCHER, Sabine. Sabina Spielrein: De Jung a Freud. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2012.

RINNE, Olga. Medeia: A Redenção do Feminino Sombrio com Símbolo de Dignidade e Sabedoria. Cultrix.

RITTER, Francisco. Na Estrada Com Jung: A Vida e as Ideias de C.G. Jung Contadas com a Ajuda do Tarô. UFSM.

ROBERTS, Richard. Tales for Jung Folk: Original Fairy Tales for Persons of all Ages: Dramatising C. G. Jung’s Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious. Vernal Equinox Press.

ROBERTSON, Robin. The Beginner's Guide to Jungian Psychology. Nicolas-Hays, Inc.

ROBERTSON, Robin. Beginner's Guide to Revelation: A Jungian Interpretation. Red Wheel Weiser.

ROBERTSON, Robin. Guia Prático de Psicologia Junguiana. Cultrix.

ROBERTSON, Robin. Indra's Net: Alchemy and Chaos Theory as Models for Transformation. Quest Books.

ROBERTSON, Robin. Introdução ao Apocalipse: Uma Interpretação Junguiana. Cultrix.

ROBERTSON, Robin. Jungian Archetypes: Jung, Gödel, and the History of Archetypes. iUniverse.

ROBERTSON, Robin. The Shadow's Gift: Find Out Who You Really Are. Nicolas-Hays.

ROBLES, Martha. Mulheres, Mitos e Deusas: O Feminino Através dos Tempos. Aleph.

ROCHA FILHO, João Bernardes da. Física e Psicologia: As Fronteiras do Conhecimento Científico Aproximando a Física e a Psicologia Junguiana. Puc-RS.

ROGERS-GARDINER, Barbara. Jung and Shakespeare: Hamlet, Othello and the Tempest. Chiron Publications.

ROHÉIM, Géza. Animism, Magic and the Divine King. Kessinger Publishing.

ROHÉIM, Géza. The Eternal Ones of the Dream: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Australian Myth and Ritual 1945. Kessinger Publishing.

ROHÉIM, Géza. The Gates of the Dream. International Universities Press.

ROHÉIM, Géza. The Panic of the Gods and Other Essays. Harper & Row.

ROHÉIM, Géza. Magic and Schizophrenia. Warner Meunsterberger.

ROHÉIM, Géza. The Riddle of the Sphinx. Harper Torchbooks.

ROHÉIM, Géza; DUNDES, Alan. Fire in the Dragon and Other Psychoanalytic Essays on Folklore. Princeton University Press.

ROLFE, Eugene. Encounter with Jung. Sigo Press.

ROMANYSHYN, Robert D. Mirror and Metaphor: Images and Stories of Psychological. Trivium Publications.

ROMANYSHYN, Robert D. The Soul in Grief: Love, Death and Transformation. Frog.

ROMANYSHYN, Robert D. Technology as Symptom and Dream. Routledge.

ROMANYSHYN, Robert D. Ways of the Heart: Essays Toward an Imaginal Psychology. Trivium Publications.

ROMANYSHYN, Robert D. The Wounded Researcher: Research with Soul in Mind. Spring Journal.

RONNBERG, Ami; MARTIN, Kathleen (Eds.). The Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images. Taschen.

ROSCHER, Wilhelm; HILLMAN, James. Pan and the Nightmare: Two Essays. Spring.

ROSSI, Safron; LE GRICE, Keiron (Eds.). Jung on Astrology. Routledge.

ROTH, Remo F. Return of the World Soul: Wolfgang Pauli, C. G. Jung and the Challenge of Psychophysical Reality Vol. 1. Pari Publishing.

ROTH, Remo F. Return of the World Soul: Wolfgang Pauli, C. G. Jung and the Challenge of Psychophysical Reality Vol. 2. Pari Publishing.

ROTH, Wolfgang. Introdução à Psicologia de C. G. Jung. Vozes.

ROTHENBERG, Rose-Emily. A Jóia na Ferida: O Corpo Expressa as Necessidades da Psique e Oferece um Caminho para a Transformacão. Paulus.

ROTHGEB, Carrie Lee. (Ed.). Abstracts of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung. Karnac Books.

ROTHGEB, Carrie Lee. (Org.). Chaves-Resumo das Obras Completas. Atheneu.

ROWLAND, Susan. Jung: A Feminist Revision. Polity Press.

ROWLAND, Susan. Remembering Dionysus: Revisioning Psychology and Literature in C. G. Jung and James Hillman. Routledge.

RUBY, Paulo. As Faces do Humano: Estudo de Tipologia Junguiana e Psicossomática. Oficina de Textos.

RUSSELL, Dick. The Life and Times of James Hillman Vol 1: The Making of a Psychologist. Arcade Publishing.

RYCE-MENUHIN, Joel. Jung and the Monotheisms. Routledge.

RYCE-MENUHIN, Joel. The Self in Early Childhood. Free Association Books.


SAGALLER, Stephen; BERGER, Merrill. The Wisdom of the Dream: The World of C. G. Jung. Shambhala.

SAIANI, Claudio. Jung e a Educação: Uma Análise da Relação Professor-Aluno. Escrituras.

SALLES, Carlos Alberto Corrêa. Confessar com o Diabo: A Dimensão Arquetípica da Religiosidade. CRV.

SALLES, Carlos Alberto Corrêa (Org.). Estudos Sobre a Homossexualidade: Debates Junguianos. Vetor.

SALLES, Carlos Alberto Corrêa. Individuação: O Homem e suas Relações com o Trabalho, o Amor e o Conhecimento. Imago.

SALLES, Carlos Alberto Corrêa (Org.). Nos Sertões de Guimarães Rosa. CRV.

SALLES, Carlos Alberto Corrêa. Sexualidade e Individuação. Vetor.

SALLES, Carlos Alberto Corrêa. Somos Feitos da Matéria dos Sonhos: Uma Nova Visão da Masculinidade. Rosa dos Tempos.

SALLES, Carlos Alberto Corrêa. Sonhos Arquetípicos. Imago.

SAMUELS, Andrew. The Father: Contemporary Junguian Perspectives. New York University Press.

SAMUELS, Andrew. Jung and the Post-Junguians. Routledge.

SAMUELS, Andrew. Jung e os Pós-Junguianos. Imago.

SAMUELS, Andrew. The Plural Psyche: Personality, Morality and the Father. Routledge.

SAMUELS, Andrew. A Política no Divã: Cidadania e Vida Interior. Summus.

SAMUELS, Andrew. The Political Psyche. Routledge.

SAMUELS, Andrew. Politics on the Couch: Citizenship and the Internal Life. Karnac Books.

SAMUELS, Andrew. A Psique Plural: Personalidade, Moralidade e o Pai. Imago.

SAMUELS, Andrew. A Psique Política. Imago.

SAMUELS, Andrew (Ed.). Psychopathology: Cotemporary Jungian Perspectives. Guilford Press.

SAMUELS, Andrew; SHORTER, Bani; PLAUT, Fred. A Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis. Routledge.

SAMUELS, Andrew; SHORTER, Bani; PLAUT, Fred. Dicionário Crítico de Análise Junguiana. Imago.

SAN ROQUE, Craig (Ed.). Placing Psyche: Exploring Cultural Complexes in Australia. Spring.

SANDNER, Donald. Navaho Symbols of Healing: A Jungian Exploration of Ritual, Image, and Medicine. Healing Arts Press.

SANDNER, Donald. Os Navajos e o Processo Simbólico da Cura: Uma Investigação Psicológica dos seus Rituais, Magia e Medicina. Summus.

SANDOVAL, Elizabeth de Miranda. Gangorra: Uma Imagem Intrigante do Fracasso. Curitiba: Appris, 2017.

SANDOVAL, Jennifer M.; KNAPP, John C. (Eds.). Psychology as the Discipline of Interiority: The Psychological Difference in the Work of Wolfgang Giegerich. Routledge.

SANDS, Helen Raphael. The Healing Labyrinth: Finding Your Path to Inner Peace. Barron's Educational Series.

SANDS, Helen Raphael. Labirinto: Caminhos Para Meditação e Cura. Madras.

SANFORD, John A. Aprenda a Comunicar-se. Ideias e Letras.

SANFORD, John A. Between People: Communicating One to One. Paulist Press.

SANFORD, John A. Destino, Amor e Êxtase: A Sabedoria das Deusas Gregas Menos Conhecidas. Paulus.

SANFORD, John A. Dreams and Healing. Paulist Press.

SANFORD, John A. Dreams, God's Forgotten Language. HarperOne.

SANFORD, John A. Evil: The Shadow Side of Reality. Crossroad.

SANFORD, John A. Fate, Love and Ecstasy: Wisdom from the Lesser Known Goddesses of the Greeks. Chiron Publications.

SANFORD, John A. Healing and Wholeness. Paulist Press.

SANFORD, John A. Healing Body and Soul: The Meaning of Illness in the New Testament and in Psychotherapy. Westminster John Knox Press.

SANFORD, John A. O Homem que Lutou com Deus. Vozes.

SANFORD, John A. The Invisible Partners: How the Male and Female in Each of Us Affects Our Relationships. Paulist Press.

SANFORD, John A. A Jornada da Alma: Um Analista Junguiano Examina a Reencarnação. Paulus.

SANFORD, John A. King Saul: The Tragic Hero: A Study in Individuation. Paulist Press.

SANFORD, John A. The Kingdom Within: The Inner Meaning of Jesus Sayings. HarperOne.

SANFORD, John A. Mal: O Lado Sombrio da Realidade. Paulus.

SANFORD, John A. The Man Who Wrestled with God: Light From the Old Testament on the Psychology of Individuation. Paulist Press.

SANFORD, John A. Mystical Christianity: A Psychological Commentary on the Gospel of John. Crossroad.

SANFORD, John A. Os Parceiros Invisíveis: O Masculino e o Feminino Dentro de Cada um de Nós. Paulus.

SANFORD, John A. Os Sonhos e a Cura da Alma. Paulus.

SANFORD, John A. Soul Journey: A Jungian Analyst Looks at Reincarnation. Crossroad.

SANNINO, Annamaria. Métodos do Trabalho Corporal na Psicoterapia Junguiana. Moraes/ Centauro.

Santo, Maria Inez do Espírito. Vasos Sagrados: Mitos Indígenas Brasileiros e o Encontro com o Feminino. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2009.

SANTOS, Cacilda Cuba dos. Individuação Junguiana. Sarvier.

SANTOS, Sandra Regina (Org.). Jung: Um Caminhar Pela Psicologia Analítica. Wak.

SARGANT, William. A Possessão da Mente. Imago.

SARGO, Claudete. O Berço da Aprendizagem: Um Estudo a Partir da Psicologia de Jung. Ícone.

SAVARY, Louis M.; BERNE, Patricia H.; KAPLAN-WILLIAMS, Strephon. Dreams and Spiritual Growth: A Judeo-Christian Way of Dreamwork. Paulist Press.

SCHAER, Hans. Religion and Cure of Souls in Jung's Psychology. Routledge.

SCHAPIRA, Laurie L. The Cassandra Complex: Living with Disbelief: A Modern Perspective on Hysteria. BookSurge Publishing.

SCHAPIRA, Laurie L. O Complexo de Cassandra: Vivendo em Descrédito: A Histeria Numa Perspectiva Moderna. Cultrix.

SCHWARTZ, Susan. O Efeito da Ausência do Pai nas Filhas. Vozes.

SCHWARTZ-SALANT, Nathan. The Black Nightgown: The Fusional Complex and the Unlived Life. Chiron Publications.

SCHWARTZ-SALANT, Nathan. The Borderline Personality: Vision and Healing. Chiron Publications.

SCHWARTZ-SALANT, Nathan. The Mystery of Human Relationship: Alchemy and the Transformation of the Self. Routledge.

SCHWARTZ-SALANT, Nathan. Narcisismo e Transformação do Caráter. Cultrix.

SCHWARTZ-SALANT, Nathan. Narcissism and Character Transformation: The Psychology of Narcissistic Character Disorders. Inner City Books.

SCHWARTZ-SALANT, Nathan. The Order-Disorder Paradox: Understanding the Hidden Side of Change in Self and Society. North Atlantic Books.

SCHWARTZ-SALANT, Nathan. A Personalidade Limítrofe: Visão e Cura. Cultrix.

SCHWARTZ-SALANT, Nathan; STEIN, Murray. (Eds.). The Body in Analysis. Chiron Publications.

SCHWARTZ-SALANT, Nathan; STEIN, Murray. (Eds.). The Borderline Personality in Analysis. Chiron Publications.

SCHWARZSTEIN, Marco André (Org.). Mundos Imaginais Segundo Corbin, Hillman e Jung. Editora Academia Imaginal, 2023.

SEABRA, Zelita. Quatro Amores. Record.

SEABRA, Zelita. Tempo de Camélia: O Espaço do Mito. Record.

SEABRA, Zelita; MUSZKAT, Malvina. Identidade Feminina. Vozes.

SEGAL, Robert A. (Ed.). The Gnostic Jung. Routledge.

SEGAL, Robert A. (Ed.). Jung on Mythology. Princeton University Press.

SEGAL, Robert A. Myth: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.

SEGAL, Robert A. Myth Analyzed. Routledge.

SEGAL, Robert A. Theorizing About Myth. University of Massachusetts Press.

SELLS, Benjamin (Ed.). Working with Images: The Theoretical Base of Archetypal Psychology. Spring.

SEMETSKY, Inna. Edusemiotics of Images: Essay on the Art-Science of Tarot. Sense Publishers.

SEMETSKY, Inna (Ed.). Jung and Educational Theory. Wiley-Blackwell.

SEMETSKY, Inna. Re-Symbolization of the Self: Human Development and Tarot Hermeneutic. Sense Publishers.

SERBENA, Carlos Augusto (Org.). Diálogos da Psicologia Analítica na Pesquisa. Curitiba: UFPR, 2020.

SERRANO, Miguel. O Círculo Hermético: Hermann Hesse a C. G. Jung. Brasiliense.

SERRANO, Miguel. C. G. Jung and Hermann Hesse: A Record of Two Friendships. Daimon Verlag.

SEVERINO, Suzana de Albuquerque Lins. Diagnóstico Compreensivo Simbólico: Uma Psicossomática Para a Prática Clínica. Escuta.

SHALIT, Erel. The Complex: Path of Transformation from Archetype to Ego. Inner City Books.

SHALIT, Erel. The Cycle of Life: Themes and Tales of the Journey. Fisher King Press.

SHALIT, Erel. Enemy, Cripple, and Beggar: Shadows in the Hero's Path. Fisher King Press.

SHALIT, Erel. The Hero and his Shadow: Psychopolitical Aspects of Myth and Reality in Israel. Fisher King Press.

SHALIT, Erel; FURLOTTI, Nancy Swift (Eds.). The Dream and Its Amplification. Fisher King Press.

SHAMDASANI, Sonu. C. G. Jung: A Biography in Books. W. W. Norton & Company.

SHAMDASANI, Sonu. C. G. Jung: Uma Biografia em Livros. Vozes.

SHAMDASANI, Sonu. Cult Fictions: C. G. Jung and the Founding of Analytical Psychology. Routledge.

SHAMDASANI, Sonu. Jung and the Making of Modern Psychology: The Dream of a Science. Cambridge University Press.

SHAMDASANI, Sonu. Jung e a Construção da Psicologia Moderna: O Sonho de uma Ciência. Idéias e Letras.

SHAMDASANI, Sonu. Jung Stripped Bare by his Biographers Even. Karnac Books.

SHARP, Daryl. C. G. Jung Lexicon: A Primer of Terms and Concepts. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. Chicken Little: The Inside Story: A Jungian Romance. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. Conhecendo a Si Mesmo: O Avesso do Relacionamento. Paulus.

SHARP, Daryl. Dear Gladys: The Survival Papers Book 2. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. Digesting Jung: Food for the Journey. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. Ensaios de Sobrevivência: Anatomia de uma Crise de Meia-idade. Cultrix.

SHARP, Daryl. Eyes Wide Open: Late Thoughts. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. Getting to Know You: The Inside Out of Relationship. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. Jungian Psychology Unplugged: My Life as an Elephant. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. Léxico Junguiano. Cultrix.

SHARP, Daryl. Live Your Nonsense: Halfway to Dawn with Eros: A Jungian Perspective on Individuation. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. Living Jung: The Good and the Better. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. Not the Big Sleep: On Having Fun, Seriously. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. On Staying Awake: Getting Older and Bolder. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. Personality Types: Jung's Model of Typology. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. The Secret Raven: Conflict and Transformation in the Life of Franz Kafka. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. The Survival Papers: Anatomy of a Midlife Crisis. Inner City Books.

SHARP, Daryl. Tipos de Personalidade: O Modelo Tipológico de Jung. Cultrix.

SHARP, Daryl. Who am I Really?: Personality, Soul and Individuation. Inner City Books.

SHELLBURN, Walter A. Mythos and Logos in the Thought of Carl Jung: The Theory of the Collective Unconscious in Scientific Perceptive. State University of New York Press.

SHERRY, Jay. Carl Gustav Jung: Avant-Garde Conservative. Palgrave Macmillan.

SHUTTLE, Penelope; REDGROVE, Peter. The Wise Wound: Eve's Curse and Every Woman. Richard Marek Publishers.

SHUTTLE, Penelope; REDGROVE, Peter. The Wise Wound: Menstruation and Everywoman. Paladin.

SIDOLI, Mara. The Unfolding Self: Separation and Individuation. Sigo Press.

SIDOLI, Mara; DAVIES, Miranda (Eds.). Jungian Child Psychotherapy: Individuation in Childhood. Karnac Books.

SIGNELL, Karen A. A Sabedoria dos Sonhos: Para Desvendar o Inconsciente Feminino. Ágora.

SILBERER, Herbert. Hidden Symbolism of Alchemy and the Occult Arts. Dover Publications.

SILVA, Dora Ferreira da; LEPARGNEUR, Hubert. Tauler e Jung: O Caminho Para o Centro. Paulus.

SILVA, Nilton Sousa da. O Mito em Ernst Cassirer e Carl Gustav Jung. Litteris Editora.

SILVEIRA, Nise da. Benedito. Rio de Janeiro: Museu de Imagens do Inconsciente, 2022.

SILVEIRA, Nise da. Cartas a Spinoza. Francisco Alves.

SILVEIRA, Nise da. Casa das Palmeiras: A Emoção de Lidar: Uma Experiência em Psiquiatria. Rio de Janeiro: Alhambra, 1986.

SILVEIRA, Nise da. Gatos: A Emoção de Lidar. Rio de Janeiro: Leo Christiano Editotial, 1998.

SILVEIRA, Nise da. Imagens do Inconsciente. Rio de Janeiro: Alhambra, 1981.

SILVEIRA, Nise da. Imagens do Inconsciente. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2015.

SILVEIRA, Nise da. Jung: Vida e Obra. Paz e Terra.

SILVEIRA, Nise da. O Mundo das Imagens. Ática.

SINGER, June. Androginia: Rumo a uma Nova Teoria da Sexualidade. Cultrix.

SINGER, June. Androginy: Toward a New Theory of Sexuality. Anchor Press/Doubleday.

SINGER, June. Androgyny: The Opposites Within. Nicolas-Hays.

SINGER, June. Blake, Jung, and the Collective Unconscious: The Conflict Between Reason and Imagination. Nicolas-Hays.

SINGER, June. Blake, Jung e o Inconsciente Coletivo: O Conflito Entre a Razão e a Imaginação. Madras.

SINGER, June. Boundaries of the Soul: The Practice of Jung’s Psychology. Anchor Books.

SINGER, June. A Gnostic Book of Hours: Keys to Inner Wisdom. Nicolas-Hays.

SINGER, June. Love’s Energies: Sexuality Re-Visioned. Sigo Press.

SINGER, June. Modern Woman in Search of Soul: A Jungian Guide to the Visible and Invisible Worlds. Red Wheel Weiser.

SINGER, June. A Mulher Moderna em Busca da Alma: Guia Junguiano do Mundo Visível e do Mundo Invisível. Paulus.

SINGER, June. The Power of love to Transform Our Lives and Our World. Nicolas-Hays.

SINGER, June. Seeing Through the Visible World: Jung, Gnosis, and Chaos. HarperCollins.

SINGER, June. The Unholy Bible: Blake, Jung, and the Collective Unconscious. Sigo Press.

SINGER, Thomas (Ed.). The Vision Thing: Myth, Politics and Psyche in the World. Routledge.

SINGER, Thomas; KIMBLES, Samuel (Eds.). The Cultural Complex: Contemporary Jungian Perspectives on Psyche and Society. Routledge.

SLUSSOR, Gerald H. From Jung to Jesus: Myth and Consciousness in the New Testament. John Knox Press.

SMITH, C. Michael. Jung and Shamanism in Dialogue: Retrieving the Soul/ Retrieving the Sacred. Paulist Press.

SMITH, Robert C. The Wounded Jung: Effects of Jung's Relationships on his Life and Work. Northwestern University Press.

SNIDER, Clifton. The Stuff That Dreams are Made of: A Jungian Interpretation of Literature. Chiron Publications.

SNOWDEN, Ruth. Jung: The Key Ideas: An Introduction to Carl Jung's Pioneering Work on Analytical Psychology, Dreams, and the Collective Unconscious. Teach Yourself.

SOLIÉ, Pierre. Mitanálise Junguiana. Nobel.

SPACCAQUERCHE, Maria Elci B. (Org.). Encontros de Psicologia Analítica. Paulus.

SPARKS, J. Gary. At the Heart of Matter: Synchronicity and Jung’s Spiritual Testament. Inner City Books.

SPARKS, J. Gary. Valley of Diamonds: Adventures in Number and Time with Marie-Louise von Franz. Inner City Books.

SPIEGELMAN, Marvin J. Jungian Analysts: Their Visions and Vulnerabilities. New Falcon Publications.

SPIEGELMAN, Marvin J. Jungian Psychology and the Passions of the Soul. New Falcon Publications.

SPIEGELMAN, Marvin J. The Quest: Further Adventures in the Unconscious. New Falcon Publications.

SPIEGELMAN, Marvin J. The Tree: Tales in Psycho-Mythology. Phoenix House.

SPIEGELMAN, Marvin J.; MIYUKI, Mokusen. Buddhism and Jungian Psychology. New Falcon Publications.

SPIEGELMAN, Marvin J.; VASASAVADA, Arwind. Hinduism and Jungian Psychology. New Falcon Publications.

SPIGNESI, Angelyn. Starving Women: A Psychology of Anorexia. Spring.

STAUDE, John Raphael. O Desenvolvimento Adulto de C. G. Jung. Cultrix.

STEIN, Murray. Consciência Solar, Consciência Lunar: Ensaio Sobre os Fundamentos Psicológicos da Moralidade, da Legalidade e da Noção de Justiça. Paulus.

STEIN, Murray. (Ed.). The Interactive Field in Analysis. Chiron Publications.

STEIN, Murray. Jung e o Caminho da Individuação: Uma Introdução Concisa. Vozes.

STEIN, Murray. Jung: O Mapa da Alma. Cultrix.

STEIN, Murray. (Ed.). Jung on Evil. Princeton University Press.

STEIN, Murray. Jung's Map of the Soul. Open Court.

STEIN, Murray. Jungian Analysis. Open Court.

STEIN, Murray. (Ed.). Jungian Psychoanalysis: Working in the Spirit of C. G. Jung. Open Court.

STEIN, Murray. Minding the Self: Jungian Meditations on Contemporary Spirituality. Routledge.

STEIN, Murray. No Meio da Vida: Uma Perspectiva Junguiana. Paulus.

STEIN, Murray. In Midlife: A Jungian Perspective. Spring.

STEIN, Murray. Outside, Inside and All Aroung and Other Essays in Jungian Psychology. Chrion Publications.

STEIN, Murray. Practicing Wholeness. Chiron Publications.

STEIN, Murray. Principle of Individuation: Toward the Development of Human Consciousness. Chiron Publications.

STEIN, Murray. (Ed.). Psicanálise Junguiana: Trabalhando no Espírito de C. G. Jung. Vozes.

STEIN, Murray. (Ed.). Psyche's Stories: Modern Jungian Interpretation of Fairy-Tales Vol. 1. Chiron Publications.

STEIN, Murray. (Ed.). Psyche's Stories: Modern Jungian Interpretation of Fairy-Tales Vol. 2. Chiron Publications.

STEIN, Murray. Os Quatro Pilares da Psicanálise Junguiana: Individuação, Relacionamento Analítico, Sonhos, Imaginação Ativa: Uma Introdução Concisa. Cultrix.

STEIN, Murray. Sincronizando Tempo e Eternidade: Ensaios Sobre Psicologia Junguiana. Cultrix.

STEIN, Murray. Solar Conscience, Lunar Conscience: An Essay on the Psychological Foundations of Morality, Lawfulness, and the Sense of Justice. Chiron Publications.

STEIN, Murray. Transformation: Emergence of the Self. Texas A&M University Press.

STEIN, Murray; ARZT, Thomas (Eds.). Jung's Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul Under Postmodern Conditions Volume 1. Chiron Publications.

STEIN, Murray; ARZT, Thomas (Eds.). Jung's Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul Under Postmodern Conditions Volume 2. Chiron Publications.

STEIN, Murray; ARZT, Thomas (Orgs.). O Livro Vermelho de C. G. Jung: Em Busca da Alma sob Condições Pós-Modernas Vol. 1. Vozes.

STEIN, Murray; ARZT, Thomas (Orgs.). O Livro Vermelho de C. G. Jung: Em Busca da Alma sob Condições Pós-Modernas Vol. 2. Vozes.

STEIN, Murray; MOORE, Robert L. (Eds.). Jung's Challenge to Contemporary Religion. Chiron Publications.

STEIN, Murray; SCHWARTZ-SALANT, Nathan (Eds.). Transference Countertransference. Chiron Publications.

STEIN, Murray; SCHWARTZ-SALANT, Nathan (Eds.). Transferência/ Contratransferência. Cultrix.

STEIN, Robert. Incest and Human Love: The Betrayal of the Soul. Third Press.

STEIN, Robert. Incesto e Amor Humano: A Traição da Alma na Psicoterapia. Paulus.

STEINBERG, Warren. Aspectos Clínicos da Terapia Junguiana. Cultrix.

STEINBERG, Warren. Circle of Care: Clinical Issues in Jungian Psychology. Inner City Books.

STEINBERG, Warren. Masculinity: Identity, Conflict and Transformation. Shambhala.

STEPHENS, Stephani. C. G. Jung and the Dead: Visions, Active Imagination and the Unconscious Terrain. Routledge.

STERN, Paul J. C. G. Jung: The Haunted Prophet. George Braziller.

STERN, Paul J. C. G. Jung: O Profeta Atormentado. Difel.

STEVENS, Anthony. Archetype: A Natural History of the Self. Routledge.

STEVENS, Anthony. Archetype Revisited: An Updated Natural History of the Self. Inner City Books.

STEVENS, Anthony. Ariadne's Clue: A Guide to the Symbols of Humankind. Princeton University Press.

STEVENS, Anthony. Evolutionary Psychiatry. Routledge.

STEVENS, Anthony. An Intelligent Person's Guide to Psychotherapy. Gerald Duckworth & Co.

STEVENS, Anthony. Jung. L&PM.

STEVENS, Anthony. Jung: A Brief Insight. Sterling.

STEVENS, Anthony. Jung: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford Paperbacks.

STEVENS, Anthony. Jung: Sua Vida e Pensamento: Uma Introdução. Vozes.

STEVENS, Anthony. On Jung. Princeton University Press.

STEVENS, Anthony. Private Myths: Dreams and Dreaming. Harvard University Press.

STEVENS, Anthony. Roots of War and Terror. Continuum.

STEVENS, Anthony. The Two Million-Year-Old Self. Texas A&M University Press.

STEVENS, Anthony. Withymead: A Jungian Community for the Healing Arts. Coventure.

STIFTUNG C. G. JUNG. KUNSNACHT. The House of C. G. Jung: The History and Restoration of the Residence of Emma and Carl Gustav Jung-Rauschenbach. Stiftung C. G. Jung Kusnacht.

STORR, Anthony. The Art of Psychotherapy. Routledge.

STORR, Anthony. Churchill's Black Dog, Kafka's Mice and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind. Ballantine Books.

STORR, Anthony. The Dynamics of Creation. Ballantine Books.

STORR, Anthony. (Ed.). The Essential Jung: Selected Writings. Princeton University Press.

STORR, Anthony. Feet of Clay: A Study of Gurus. Free Press.

STORR, Anthony. Human Agression. Penguin Books.

STORR, Anthony. As Idéias de Jung. Cultrix.

STORR, Anthony. The Integrity of the Personality. Ballantine Books.

STORR, Anthony. Music and the Mind. Ballantine Books.

STORR, Anthony. A Solidão. Paulus.

STORR, Anthony. Solidão: A Conexão com o Eu. Benvirá.

STORR, Anthony. Solitude: A Return to the Self. Free Press.

STROUD, Joanne; THOMAS, Gail (Eds.). Images of the Untouched: Virginity in Psyche, Myth and Community. Dallas Inst Humanities & Culture.


TACEY, David. (Ed.). O Compêndio Jung: Leituras Essenciais da Psicologia Analítica. Vozes.

TACEY, David. The Darkening Spirit: Jung, Spirituality, Religion. Routledge.

TACEY, David. Edge of the Sacred: Jung, Psyche, Earth. Daimon Verlag.

TACEY, David. Edge of the Sacred: Transformation in Australia. Harper Collins.

TACEY, David. Gods and Diseases: Making Sense of Our Physical and Mental Well Being. Harper Collins.

TACEY, David. How to Read Jung. W. W. Norton & Company.

TACEY, David. (Ed.). The Jung Reader. Routledge.

TACEY, David. Patrick White: Fiction and the Unconscious. Oxford University Press.

TACEY, David. Re-Enchantment: The New Australian Spirituality. Harper Collins.

TACEY, David. Remaking Men: Jung, Spirituality and Social Change. Routledge.

TACEY, David. The Spirituality Revolution: The Emergence of Contemporary Spirituality. Routledge.

TANSLEY, David V. Subtle Body: Essence and Shadow. Thames & Hudson.

TARDAN-MASQUELIER, Ysé. C. G. Jung: A Sacralidade da Experiência Interior. Paulus.

TATAR, Maria. A Heroína de 1001 Faces: O Resgate do Protagonismo Feminino na Narrativa Excusivamente Masculina da Jornada do Herói. Cultrix.

TAYLOR, Jeremy. Dream Work: Techniques for Discovering the Creative Power in Dreams. Paulist Press. 

TE PASKE, Bradley A. Rape and Ritual: A Psychological Study. Inner City Books.

THIBAUDIER, Viviane. Jung: Médico da Alma. Paulus.

TIERNEY, Patrick. O Altar Supremo: Uma História do Sacrifício Humano. Bertrand.

TIERNEY, Patrick. The Highest Altar: Unveiling the Mystery of Human Sacrifice. Penguin Books.

TODD, Peter B. The Individuation of God: Integrating Science and Religion. Chiron Publications.

TOMMASI, Soni Maria Bufarah. Arte-Terapia e Loucura: Uma Viagem Simbólica com Pacientes Psiquiátricos. Vetor.

TREVISOL, Jorge. Labirintos da Alma: Um Jeito Humano de Olhar para o Mistério de Si Mesmo. Vozes.

TROBE, Kala. Invocação dos Deuses: Explorando o Poder dos Arquétipos Masculinos. Madras.

TROBE, Kala. Invoke the Gods: Exploring the Power of Male Archetypes. Llewellyn Publications.

TRUCHIS-LENEVEU, Chantal de. O Despertar de seu Filho. Paulus.

TUBY, Molly (Ed.). In the Wake of Jung: A Selection from Harvest. Coventure Ltd.


ULANOV, Ann. The Female Ancestors of Christ. Shambhala.

ULANOV, Ann. Feminine in Jungian Psychology and in Christian Theology. Northwestern University Press.

ULANOV, Ann. Madness and Creativity. Texas A&M University Press.

ULANOV, Ann. Receiving Woman: Studies in the Psychology and Theology of the Feminine. Westminster John Knox Press.

ULANOV, Ann; ULANOV, Barry. Cinderella and Her Sisters: The Envied and the Envying. Westminster John Knox Press.

ULANOV, Ann; ULANOV, Barry. The Healing Imagination: The Meeting of Psyche and Soul. Paulist Press.

ULANOV, Ann; ULANOV, Barry. Religion and the Unconscious. Westminster John Knox Press.

ULANOV, Ann; ULANOV, Barry. Transforming Sexuality: The Archetypal World of Anima and Animus. Shambhala.

ULANOV, Ann; ULANOV, Barry. Witch and the Clown: Two Archetypes of Human Sexuality. Chiron Publications.

ULSON, Glauco. O Método Junguiano. Ática.

URRUTIGARAY, Maria Cristina. Arteterapia: Transformação Pessoal Pelas Imagens. Wak.


VAN DER POST, Laurens. The Creative Pattern in Primitive Africa. Spring.

VAN DER POST, Laurens. Dark Eye in Africa. Morrow.

VAN DER POST, Laurens. The Heart of the Hunter: Customs and Myths of the African. Vintage Books.

VAN DER POST, Laurens. The Hunter and the Whale. Vintage Books.

VAN DER POST, Laurens. Jung and the Story of Our Time. Vintage Books.

VAN DER POST, Laurens. The Lost World of the Kalahari. Harcourt Brace & Company.

VAN DER POST, Laurens. A Mantis Carol. Island Press.

VAN DER POST, Laurens. The Night of the New Moon. Vintage Books.

VAN DER POST, Laurens. A Story Like the Wind. Vintage Books.

VAN DER POST, Laurens. Venture to the Interior. Vintage Books.

VAN DER POST, Laurens. The Voice of the Thunder. William Morrow & Company.

VAN DER POST, Laurens. Yet Being Someone Other: An Autobiographical Odyssey. William Morrow & Company.

VARGAS, Nairo de Souza. Terapia de Casais: Uma Visão Junguiana. Madras.

VASCONCELLOS, Erika Antunes; GIGLIO, Joel Sales. Arte na Psicoterapia: Imagens Simbólicas em Psico-Oncologia. Vetor.

VECHI, Luis Gustavo. A Psicologia Junguiana Aplicada em Instituições. Appris.

VICKERS-WILLIS, Robyn. Men Navigating Mid-Life. Allen & Unwin.

VICKERS-WILLIS, Robyn. Navigating Mid-Life: Women Becoming Themselves. Allen & Unwin.

VILLOLDO, Alberto; KRIPPNER, Stanley. Healing States: A Journey Into the World of Spiritual Healing and Shamanism. Simon & Schuster.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Adivinhação e Sincronicidade: A Psicologia da Probabilidade Significativa. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Adivinhação e Sincronicidade: Um Estudo Sobre o Tempo Psicológico e Probabilidade na Astrologia, no Tarô, no I Ching, na Quiromancia e na Numerologia. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Alchemical Active Imagination. Shambhala.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Alchemy: An Introduction to the Simbolism and the Psychology. Inner City Books.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. A Alquimia e a Imaginação Ativa. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. A Alquimia e a Imaginação Ativa: Estudos Integrativos Sobre Imagens do Inconsciente, sua Personificação e Cura. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Alquimia: Introdução ao Simbolismo e à Psicologia. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Alquimia: Uma Introdução ao Simbolismo e seu Significado na Psicologia de Carl G. Jung. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Animus e Anima nos Contos de Fadas. Campinas: Verus, 2010.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche. Shambhala.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales. Inner City Books.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. O Asno de Ouro: O Romance de Lúcio Apuleio na Perspectiva da Psicologia Analítica Junguiana. Vozes.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. A Busca do Sentido. Paulus.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. C. G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time. Inner City Books.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. C. G. Jung: Seu Mito em Nossa Época. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. O Caminho dos Sonhos. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. The Cat: A Tale of Feminine Redemption. Inner City Books.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Creation Myths. Shambhala.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. On Divination and Synchronicity: The Psychology of Meaningful Chance. Inner City Books.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Dreams: A Study of the Dreams of Jung, Descartes, Socrates, and Other Historical Figures. Shambhala.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. On Dreams and Death: A Jungian Interpretation. Open Court.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. The Feminine in Fairy Tales. Shambhala.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. O Feminino nos Contos de Fadas. Vozes.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. O Gato: Um Conto da Redenção Feminina. Paulus.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. The Golden Ass of Apuleius: The Liberation of the Feminine in Man. Shambhala.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. A Individuação nos Contos de Fadas. Paulus.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Individuation in Fairy Tales. Shambhala.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. A Interpretação dos Contos de Fadas. Paulus.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. The Interpretation of Fairy Tales. Shambhala.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Mistérios do Tempo: Ritmo e Repouso. Del Prado.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Mitos de Criação. Paulus.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. A Paixão de Perpétua: Uma Interpretação Psicológica de Suas Visões. Belo Horizonte: Ed. do Tradutor, 2009.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. The Passion of Perpetua: A Psychologycal Interpretation of her Visions. Inner City Books.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. The Problem of the Puer Aeternus. Inner City Books.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. The Problem of the Shadow in Fairy Tales.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Projection and Re-collection in Jungian Psychology: Reflections of the Soul. Open Court.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Psicoterapia. Paulus.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Psyche and Matter. Shambhala.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Psychological Meaning of Redemption Motifs in Fairytales. Inner City Books.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Psychotherapy. Shambhala.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Puer Aeternus: A Luta do Adulto Contra o Paraíso da Infência. Paulus.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Puer Aeternus: A Psychological Study of the Adult Struggle with the Paradise of Childhood. Sigo Press.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Reflexos da Alma: Projeção e Recolhimento Interior na Pcicologia de C. G. Jung. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Shadow and Evil in Fairytales. Shambhala.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. O Significado Psicológico dos Motivos de Redenção nos Contos de Fada. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. O Significado Psicológico dos Motivos de Redenção nos Contos de Fadas: Um Estudo Arquetípico Sobre Conflitos e Problemas de Relacionamentos. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. A Sombra e o Mal nos Contos de Fada. Paulus.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Os Sonhos e a Morte: Uma Interpretação Junguiana. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Os Sonhos e a Morte: Uma Visão da Psicologia Analítica Sobre os Múltiplos Simbolismos do Estágio Final da Vida. Cultrix.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Sonhos: Um Estudo dos Sonhos de Jung, Descartes, Sócrates e Outras Figuras Históricas. Vozes.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. Time: Rhythm and Repose. W. W. Norton & Co. Inc.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise. The Way of the Dream. Windrose.

VON FRANZ, Marie-Louise; HILLMAN, James. A Tipologia de Jung: A Função Inferior/ A Função Sentimento. Cultrix.

VOST, L. P. Jung e a História de Nosso Tempo. Civilização Brasileira.


WAHBA, Liliana Liviano. Camile Claudel: Criação e Loucura. Record.

WAIBLINGER, Angela. A Grande Mãe e a Criança Divina: O Milagre da Vida no Berço e na Alma. Cultrix.

WANDERLEY, Lula. O Dragão Pousou no Espaço: Arte Contemporânea, Sofrimento Psíquico e o Objeto Relacional de Lygia Clark. Rocco.

WASHBURN, Penelope. Becoming Woman: The Quest for Wholeness in Female Experience. Harper Collins.

WASHBURN, Penelope. Seasons of Woman: Song, Poetry, Ritual, Prayer, Myth, Story. Harper & Row.

WEAVER, Rix. The Old Wise Woman: A Study in Active Imagination. Putnam for the C. G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology.

WEAVER, Rix. Spinning on a Dream Thread: Hermann Hesse, his life and work, and his contact with C. G. Jung. Wyvern Publications for the Analytical Psychology Club of Perth.

WEAVER, Rix. A Velha Sábia: Um Estudo Sobre a Imaginação Ativa. Paulus.

WEHR, Demaris S. Jung and Feminism: Liberating Archetypes. Beacon Press.

WEHR, Gerhard. An Illustrated Biography of C. G. Jung. Shambhala.

WEHR, Gerhard. Jung: A Biography. Shambhala.

WEHR, Gerhard. Jung and Steiner: The Birth of a New Psychology. Steiner Books.

WEIL, Pierre. Esfinge: Estrutura e Símbolo do Homem. Belo Horizonte: Itatiaia, 1977.

WEINRIB, Estelle L. Imagens do Self: O Processo Terapêutico na Caixa-de-Areia. Summus.

WELSH, John. Spiritual Pilgrims: Carl Jung and Theresa of Avila. Paulist Press.

WELWOOD, John. Awakening the Heart: East/ West Approaches to Psychotherapy and the Healing Relationship. Shambhala.

WERRES, Joyce. Ensaios Sobre a Clínica Junguiana. Imprensa Livre.

WEREES, Joyce (Org.). Jung e os Desafios Contemporâneos. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2019.

WESTMAN, Heinz. The Springs of Creativity: The Bible and the Creative Process of the Psyche. Chiron Publications.

WHEELWRIGHT, Jane Hollister. The Death of a Woman: How a Life Became Complete. NY St Martins C.

WHEELWRIGHT, Joseph B. (Ed.). The Analytic Process: Aims, Analysis, Training. C. G. Jung Foundation.

WHEELWRIGHT, Joseph B. Psychological Types. C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco.

WHEELWRIGHT, Joseph B. (Ed.). The Reality of the Psyche: Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Analytical Psychology. C. G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology.

WHEELWRIGHT, Joseph B. Joseph B. St George and the Dandelion: Forty Years of Practice as a Jungian Analyst. C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco.

WHITE, Victor. God and the Unconscious. Henry Regnery Company.

WHITE, Victor. Soul and Psyche: An Enquiry into the Relationship of Psychotherapy and Religion. Harper & Brothers.

WHITMONT, Edward C. The Alchemy of Healing: Psyche and Soma. North Atlantic Books.

WHITMONT, Edward C. A Busca do Símbolo: Conceitos Básicos da Psicologia Arquetípica. Cultrix.

WHITMONT, Edward C. Psique e Substância: A Homeopatia à Luz da Psicologia Junguiana. Summus.

WHITMONT, Edward C. Psyche and Substance: Essays on Homeopathy in the Light of Jungian Psychology. North Atlantic Books.

WHITMONT, Edward C. O Retorno da Deusa. Summus.

WHITMONT, Edward C. The Return of the Goddess. Continuum.

WHITMONT, Edward C. The Symbolic Quest: Basic Concepts of Analytical Psychology. Princeton University Press.

WHITMONT, Edward C.; PERERA, Sylvia. Dreams: A Portal to the Source. Routledge.

WHITMONT, Edward C.; PERERA, Sylvia. Sonhos: Um Portal Para a Fonte. Summus.

WHYTE, Lancelot Law. The Unconscious Before Freud. Anchor.

WICKES, Frances G. The Inner World of Childhood: A Study in Analytical Psychology. Sigo Press.

WICKES, Frances G. The Inner World of Choice. Sigo Press.

WICKES, Frances G. The Inner World of Man. Sigo Press.

WIENER, Jean. The Therapeuthic Relationship: Transference, Countertransference and the Making of Meaning. Texas A&M University Press.

WILDE, Douglas J. Jung's Personalitey Theorie Quantified. Springer.

WILHELM, Richard. I Ching: O Livro das Mutações. Pensamento. 

WILLIAMS, Stephen Kaplan. Jungian-Senoi Dreamwork Manual. Journey Press.

WILMER, Harry A. Practical Jung: Nut and Bolts of Jungian Psychology. Chiron Publications.

WILSON, Annie. The Wise Virgin: The Missing Link Between Men and Women. Turnstone Books.

WILSON, Colin. C. G. Jung: Lord of the Underworld. Aeon.

WINCKEL, Erna van de. Do Inconsciente a Deus. Paulus.

WOLFF, Hanna. Jesus na Perspectiva da Psicologia Profunda. Paulinas.

WOLFF, Hanna. Jesus Psicoterapeuta. Paulinas.

WOLFF, Hanna. Jesus Universal: A Imagem de Jesus no Contexto da Cultura Hindu. Paulinas.

WOLFF, Hanna. A Lenda Pessoal - Nas Fronteiras da Parapsicologia. Paulinas.

WOODMAN, Marion. Addiction to Perfection: The Still Unravished Bride. Inner City Books.

WOODMAN, Marion. Conscious Femininity: Interviews With Marion Woodman. Inner City Books.

WOODMAN, Marion. A Coruja era Filha do Padeiro: Obesidade, Anorexia Nervosa e o Feminino Reprimido. Cultrix.

WOODMAN, Marion. A Feminilidade Consciente: Entrevistas com Marion Woodman. Paulus.

WOODMAN, Marion. O Noivo Devastado: A Masculinidade nas Mulheres. Paulus.

WOODMAN, Marion. The Owl Was a Baker's Daughter: Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa and the Repressed Feminine. Inner City Books.

WOODMAN, Marion. The Pregnant Virgin: A Process of Psychological Transformation. Inner City Books.

WOODMAN, Marion. The Ravaged Bridegroom: Masculinity in Women. Inner City Books.]

WOODMAN, Marion. O Vício da Perfeição: Compreendendo a Relação Entre Distúrbios Alimentares e Desenvolvimento Psíquico. Summus.

WOODMAN, Marion. A Virgem Grávida: Um Processo de Transformação Psicológica. Paulus.

WOODMAN, Marion; DANSON, Kate; HAMILTON, Mary; ALLEN, Rite Greer. Leaving My Father's House: A Journey to Conscious Femininit. Shambhala.

WOODMAN, Marion; DICKSON, Elinor. Dancing in the Flames: The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness. Shambhala.

WOODMAN, Marion; MELLICK, Jill. Coming Home to Myself: Reflections for Nurturing a Woman's Body and Soul. Conari Press.

WOOLGER, Jennifer Barger; WOOLGER, Roger J. The Goddess Within: A Guide to the Eternal Myths that Shape Women's Lives. Ballantine Books.

WOOLGER, Jennifer Barger; WOOLGER, Roger J. A Deusa Interior: Um Guia Sobre os Eternos Mitos Femininos que Moldam Nossas Vidas. Cultrix.

WOOLGER, Roger J. Other Lives, Other Selves: A Jungian Psychotherapist Discovers Past Lives. Bantam.

WOOLGER, Roger J. As Várias Vidas da Alma: Um Psicoterapeuta Junguiano Descobre as Vidas Passadas. Cultrix.

WORTHINGTON, Deborah Jean. Jung na Contemporaneidade:  Astrologia no Suporte ao Processo Terapêutico.

WURZBE, Lilian. Natureza Irreal ou Fantástica Realidade: Reflexões Sobre a Melancolia Religiosa e suas Expressões Simbólicas na Obra de Hyeronimous Bosch. Eleva Cultural.

WYLY, James. A Busca Fálica: Príapo e a Inflação Masculina. Paulus.

WYLY, James. The Phallic Quest: Priapus and Masculine Inflation. Inner City Books.


XAVIER, César Rey. A Permuta dos Sábios: Um Estudo Sobre as Correspondências Entre Carl Gustav Jung e Wolfgang Pauli. Annablume.


YATES, Jenny (Ed.). Jung on Death and Immortality. Princeton University Press.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly. Bruxas e Heróis: Uma Abordagem Feminista na Terapia Junguiana de Casais. Summus.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly. Female Authority: Empowering Women through Psychotherapy. The Guilford Press.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly. Gender and Desire: Uncursing Pandora. Texas A&M University Press.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly. The Gifts of Suffering: Finding Insight, Compassion, and Renewal. Perseus Books.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly. Hags and Heroes: A Feminist Approach to Jungian Psychotherapy with Couples. Inner City Books.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly. Love Between Equals: Relationship as a Spiritual Path. Shambhala.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly. The Present Heart: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Discovery. Rodale Books.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly. The Resilient Spirit: Transforming Suffering Into Insight And Renewal. Da Capo Press.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly. The Self-Esteem Trap: Raising Confident and Compassionate Kids in an Age of Self-Importance. Little, Brown and Company.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly. To Be Honest. Autharium.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly. Women and Desire: Beyond Wanting to Be Wanted. Harmony.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly. You're Not What I Expected: Learning to Love the Opposite Sex. William Morrow & Company.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly; DAWSON, Terence (Eds.). The Cambridge Companion to Jung. Cambridge University Press.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly; DAWSON, Terence (Eds.). Manual de Cambridge Para Estudos Junguianos. Artmed.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly; MILLER, Melvin E. (Eds.). The Psychology of Mature Spirituality: Integrity, Wisdom, Transcendence. Routledge.

YOUNG-EISENDRATH, Polly; MURAMOTO, Shoji. Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy. Routledge.


ZACHARIAS, José Jorge de Morais. Compadre: Uma Análise Psicológica Possível de Exu. Vetor.

ZACHARIAS, José Jorge de Morais. Entendendo os Tipos Humanos. Paulus.

ZACHARIAS, José Jorge de Morais. Ori Axé: A Dimensão Arquetípica dos Orixás. Vetor.

ZACHARIAS, José Jorge de Morais. Tipos: A Diversidade Humana. Vetor.

ZACHARIAS, José Jorge de Morais. Tipos Psicológicos Junguianos e Escolha Profissional. Vetor.

ZACHARIAS, José Jorge de Morais. Vox Dei: O Simbolismo do Órgão no Cristianismo. Vetor.

ZIEGLER, Alfred J. Archetypal Medicine. Spring.

ZIMMER, Heinrich. A Conquista Psicológica do Mal. Palas Athena.

ZIMMER, Heinrich. The King and the Corpse: Tales of the Soul's Conquest of Evil. Princeton University Press.

ZIMMER, Heinrich. Filosofias da Índia. Palas Athena.

ZIMMER, Heinrich. Mitos e Símbolos na Arte e Civilização da Índia. Palas Athena.

ZIMMER, Heinrich. Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization. Princeton University Press.

ZIMMER, Heinrich. Philosophies of India. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers.

ZIMMERMMAN, Elizabeth (Org.). Corpo e Individuação. Vozes.

ZOJA, Eva Pattis. Abortion: Loss and Renewal in the Search for Identity. Routledge.

ZOJA, Eva Pattis. Aborto: Perda e Renovação. Paulus.

ZOJA, Luigi. Drugs, Addiction and Initiation: The Modern Search for Ritual. Daimon Verlag.

ZOJA, Luigi. Ethics and Analysis: Philosophical Perspectives and Their Application in Therapy. Texas A&M University Press.

ZOJA, Luigi. The Father: Historical, Psychological and Cultural Perspectives. Routledge.

ZOJA, Luigi. Growth and Guilt: Psychology and the Limits of Development. Routledge.

ZOJA, Luigi. História da Arrogância: Psicologia e Limites do Desenvolvimento Humano. Axis Mundi.

ZOJA, Luigi. Nascer Não Basta: Iniciação e Tóxicodependência. Axis Mundi.

ZOJA, Luigi. O Pai: História e Psicologia de uma Espécie em Extinção. Axis Mundi.

ZOJA, Luigi. Paranoia: The Madness That Makes History. Routledge.

ZOJA, Luigi; WILLIAMS, Donald (Orgs.). Manhã de Setembro: O Pesadelo Global do Terrorismo. Axis Mundi.

ZWEIG, Connie; ABRAMS, Jeremiah (Orgs.). Ao Encontro da Sombra: O Potencial Oculto do Lado Escuro da Natureza Humana. Cultrix.

ZWEIG, Connie; ABRAMS, Jeremiah (Eds.). Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature. Tarcher.

ZWEIG, Connie; WOLFF, Steve. O Jogo das Sombras: Iluminando o Lado Escuro da Alma. Rocco.

ZWEIG, Connie; WOLFF, Steve. Romancing the Shadow: A Guide to Soul Work for a Vital, Authentic Life. Wellspring/Ballantine.

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